9 Truths About Financial Sacrifice
If you haven’t discovered by now, obedience takes a lot of sacrifice. Sacrifice sometimes hurts us to our core and can often leave us feeling a little vulnerable and exposed especially when it comes to our finances.
Sacrifice that does not spring from obedience to the Lord will not be accepted by Him. Many people who will live a life of obedience to the Lord will sooner or later realize that obedience is a sacrifice. In the story of Abraham we see that when he went to sacrifice his son he was doing it out of obedience to the Lord. Like Abraham, Jesus also made a sacrifice, as obedience to the Father. Today we are going to tie in the story of Abraham with our finances and dig into the truths of sacrifice.
- Financial sacrifice is a test.
Now it came to pass after these things that God tested Abraham, and said to him, “Abraham!” And he said, “Here I am.”
Genesis 22:1
Through every season in life there is a test that we face before we reach higher levels. God tests us when we sacrifice our finances and as a matter of fact, God also allows us to test him in the area of finances. If you want God to bless your finances we must first put it in his hands. Although, sometimes it may feel like you are giving up your stability here on earth, financial sacrifices to God will actually bless and build your treasures both in heaven and on earth.
Whether you are currently in a time of testing now or entering into a season that will require a new level of obedience, keep in mind that like school you need a passing grade at the end of every class or course you take before moving on. The Israelites had to sacrifice Jericho to God in order to enter the promise land. You are destined to enter into the promise land as well. Obey the voice of God and you will see that Jericho is just the stepping stone into your destiny.
Sacrifice brings a new season.
2. Financial sacrifice is when you give what you love, not what you don’t need.
Then He said, “Take now your son, your only son Isaac, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains of which I shall tell you.”
Genesis 22:2
In the story of Abraham, God asked him to sacrifice his ONLY son WHOM HE LOVED. Abraham had two sons, Isaac and Ishmael, but God only mentioned one. Ishmael was a result of Abraham’s impatience and by this time Ishmael had already caused much friction within the family. However, Isaac was deeply loved by his father and for Abraham, sacrificing his beloved son was the ultimate sacrifice and an act of obedience to God. This story is a perfect example of how God wants us to sacrifice the things we cling closest to our hearts. He is looking for you to sacrifice the things that you love, not your left overs.
Sacrifice isn’t meant to be convenient or comfortable. Our attitude should replicate the one of David’s who said that he would not offer to God what would cost him nothing. In this moment let us reflect our heart and faith. Many times we will have to sacrifice our money or things that have our heart so that God may be the one to hold our heart. Do you trust God enough to sacrifice your Isaac or are you giving God your Ishmael? Stay comfortable and stay the same, or obey the voice of the father and never be the same again.
Don’t offer Ishmael when God asks for Isaac. Sacrifice is something that is outside of your convenience.
3. Financial sacrifice opens the heart to God’s presence.
And Abraham said to his young men, ‚”Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”
Genesis 22:5
Abraham told the people to stay with the donkeys at the bottom of the mountain. Those were the people who did not partake in the sacrifice. One of the reasons many stay at the bottom of the mountain is because they love to save instead of sacrificing. Some of you are so consumed with saving that it has become a fear that does not allow you to give God complete control. If you want your heart to be moved toward God, your treasure must go in the direction you want your heart to move. If your sacrifice hurts your heart, it will move your heart. You will be invited to the peaks of God’s heart and only those who sacrifice will enter the peaks of the mountain.
There are peaks in God’s mountain only those who sacrifice can enter.
4. Financial sacrifice is an act of worship.
And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”
Genesis 22:5
The first mention of worship in the Bible is in this verse, where Abraham offered Isaac. There was no worship team, instruments or even songs. Just obedience to God’s voice. I truly believe when worship comes out of sacrifice to the Lord, it releases a fragrance into the atmosphere. Mary brought forth years worth of income in a perfume bottle and poured it at the feet of Jesus – it filled the whole house.
Sacrifice is not a waste it’s an act of worship.
If we want to have the fragrance of God’s presence instead of the stench of flesh in our churches, we must realize that worship is an act of sacrifice. As Mary used the perfume on Jesus, Judas called the sacrifice a waste, Mary saw it as worship. Do not be discouraged when the Judas’ around you say that your sacrifice is wrong or say that it is a waste, stand firm and remember that God says it is worship.
5. Financial sacrifice releases supernatural faith.
And Abraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey; the lad and I will go yonder and worship, and we will come back to you.”
Genesis 22:5
Abraham told the young men that he and Isaac were coming back. He had faith that although Isaac would die, he would rise again. When we sacrifice, God deposits faith that comes from Him into our hearts. When a sacrifice is done in obedience it attracts faith for miracles. One of the things I have always experienced when bringing a sacrifice to the Lord is strong faith for the future. Sometimes that faith possessed my soul and it would become supernatural faith, I can’t explain it. Then within 1-2 years I would see most of the things I had faith for always come to pass. Always expect God’s supernatural power when you sacrifice what’s natural.
6. Sacrifice establishes you in the fear of the Lord.
And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the lad, or do anything to him; for now I know that you fear God, since you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”
Genesis 22:12
There are three fears we can experience.
- Natural fear which protects from harm.
- Demonic fear which is harmful.
- Fear of the Lord which is reverence for the Lord.
Lay down the things you are afraid to lose.
When it comes to finances, so many people are driven by fear. For example fear of what people think can drive someone to spend like crazy to impress others. Fear of the future can lead a person to save obsessively and leaving them afraid to enjoy money and to invest. The man who hid (saved) his talent was driven by fear. I truly believe behind sacrificial living is the fear of the Lord.
An angel said to Abraham, “NOW I KNOW that you fear God.” To overcome all other financial fears we must embrace the best fear, fear of the Lord.
7. Sacrifice brings God’s provision.
Then Abraham lifted his eyes and looked, and there behind him was a ram caught in a thicket by its horns. So Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son.
Genesis 22:13
The first mention of God, the provider, was when God provided Abraham a sacrifice to offer instead of his son. God is our provider. When we sacrifice, we open ourselves up for God’s provision. God wants to bless you and increase your impact, not just your income. When you obey the voice of God the Bible says that in YOUR seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed. When you sacrifice, God will make you a blessing to the nations!
God is your source. Job is your resource.
8. When you sacrifice, God swears to make you a blessing to others.
And said: “By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son‚Äî blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”
Genesis 22:16-18
After the sacrifice Abraham offered, it pleased God so much that not only did God provide a ram for Abraham, but he also swore to bless him so much that he would be a blessing to the nations. So many people get confused with the idea of blessing or prosperity, thinking that God prospers us so that we can be filthy rich. However, in here we see something else. God wanted to make Abraham the blessing. The purpose of real prosperity is to use our resources for the betterment of the world.
A blessing is when God increases your impact, not just your income.
9. Sacrifice helps to heed God’s voice.
In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.
Genesis 22:18
This was not the first time Abraham heard God’s voice, but God highlighted the fact that Abraham was not mistaken in heeding the voice of the Lord to offer up his son. Sometimes people think that the thoughts that come into their mind to sacrifice comes from the devil or themselves. However, let’s remember the first time the bible mentions that Jesus was led by the Holy Spirit – it was into the wilderness to fast for 40 days. That is a sacrifice.
What if God did not speak to you to sacrifice, but you came up with that on your own? If that’s the case! Congratulations, you are now thinking generous thoughts on your own. You must have a renewed mind. Don’t forget a lot of times God’s voice sounds like yours. Take risks to heed what you hear and watch God meet you at the point of your need.
If you are married, it is wise to consult your spouse before making sacrifices. I am not sure if Abraham asked for Sarah’s permission to kill their son, but I highly encourage spouses to be on the same page when it comes to financial sacrifice.
Also, don’t over think it, try not to sleep on it, because you will talk yourself out of it. God operates in a faith zone, not in a safe zone. At times you got to jump before you think, when it comes to sacrifice. I am not encouraging recklessness or foolishness. Faith requires a certain level of risk.
How matter how clear you hear God, it will require a risk to heed Him.
Finally, we don’t give to get, we get to give. Our motives is to please God and to become more like Him.
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