How a Christian Gains Life by Choosing Death
We can’t get the life of God in us through our own efforts. It’s truly a supernatural miracle that takes place. God gives us a new life by making our spirit alive through Christ–not through human effort or means–but by the sovereign, supernatural work we call salvation.
All the benefits found in Scripture that we gain from salvation do not happen through our good efforts. God does that work in our lives, but if we’re not careful, it can stay in our lives and never permeate those around us. We’re saved so we can introduce others to Jesus as well. So the challenge then becomes how to transfer the new life that’s inside of us out into the world.
From Your Spirit – Through Your Soul – Into Your Life
Every Christian who is born again has Jesus Christ inside of them. We are spirits, who have souls, and live within a body. It’s important to know that a Christian is not their soul, in fact, we are our spirits. When someone doesn’t have a born-again spirit, they live out of their soul, meaning that they are often ruled by their emotions and use them to guide them throughout life. When someone is led by their feelings (soul), it gives way for a whole mount of issues to happen–gender confusion being one of them.
We are a spirit, and a spirit does not have a gender. That is how we are made in the image and likeness of God. Our spirit is the conduit for our relationship with God. It is where He deposits what He desires to communicate–not our soul.
Now, I am laying this important foundation so that every believer understands that we are supposed to be guided and living out of the place where God deposits information–the spirit. Every person who has received Christ into their heart has become a new creation and the nature of God now resides in them. But it’s not just for them to keep it contained, it is meant to be shown so that others may come to Christ.
Our spirit has the life of Christ within us, but our soul is in the way and then there is our body. So you may be asking, “Based on this, how can I release what’s in my spirit, if my soul and my body are in the way?” Let us discuss the process of getting it from our spirit, through my soul into my life.
An example of this is a car in a garage. The garage doors are your soul and the car is your spirit. You have to open the garage doors to get the car out. In the same way, if the soul is not dealt with first and addressed, what is in the spirit will stay trapped. It’ll be there, but it will not be able to flow out. Someone could have a Porsche in their garage and they can take selfies with it, talk about it and even sit in it, but they’ll never drive it outside if they are afraid or uncomfortable with opening the garage doors.
This happens to many Christians who have the supernatural life that Christ died to give them. It’s within their spirit but they don’t drive that life because they are afraid, uncomfortable, or unwilling to get their feelings out of the way.
We are not called to love our lives. Loving or obsessing over your life is restricting your spiritual life as the garage door does to the car.
If we don’t lose our life, we can’t release the resurrected life of Christ within us. It’s like planting.
Most assuredly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it produces much grain. He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life.
John 12:24-25
In farming, when a farmer plants a seed in the ground, he is losing his seed but he knows that he’s gaining a harvest. in the same way, when we choose to surrender, we are choosing the eternal over the temporary.
Then He said to them all, If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it.
Luke 9:23-24
The greatest hindrance to living the life we dream of is that we’re not willing to give up the life we have. The life we currently live is blocking the life we’ve been promised. But there is a fear of giving up what we have for what we don’t yet see. If I give up my soul, I am not losing it like a funeral, I am investing it like a farmer. You are not losing it, you are sowing it.
The Crucified Life
When our old man was crucified, it was nailed on the cross. Jesus did not crucify our soul; He crucified our old nature. Our soul is still intact. As a result, our goal as Christians is not mental health because we are a spirit and live out of our spirit. Mental health has its place but it is not our main priority. Our priority is spiritual health because the spirit dominates the soul.
When we don’t have a spiritual life, we’ll always try to cater to our souls.
We have a hindrance in our Christian walk and that’s our soul. The blessing, the prophetic word, our destiny, calling, purpose, and everything that God has for us is trapped in the garage of our spirit and our soul is the garage door. If we want to live as Jesus did, not just a natural life but resurrected life, supernatural life, and abundant life, we must learn to use the garage door opener called the cross.
In the first stage, you repent of your sin and receive salvation. You grow out of believing into following, which then requires giving up your soul so that the spiritual life can freely move out of your driveway.
That takes breaking.
What God Breaks, God Blesses
Then He commanded the multitudes to sit down on the grass. And He took the five loaves and the two fish, and looking up to Heaven, He blessed and broke and gave the loaves to the disciples; and the disciples gave to the multitudes.
Matthew 14:19
The secret to seeing your destiny utilized by God is brokenness. This is different from when you are broken through life, not that brokenness. There were three men on the cross but only one of them was there because He was broken. The others were there because of disobedience. You can experience even the same situation for a different reason.
Brokenness means our my will but Your will be done. What most of us want is our will to be done with the Lord’s blessing. We can do miracles, be famous, have a big church, many children, and a perfect family, yet not be broken. The goal for us as believers is not to get God to bless our will, but to join the will He has blessed. That is what brokenness is, learning to ask “What is Your will, Lord?”
What we’re carrying cannot survive and thrive without submitting to the Lordship of Jesus and the God-given authority where He’s placed us.
You need to change your attitude, not your church.
Final Thoughts
God doesn’t deal with you based on where you are but on where you are going.
You cannot get the calling out from within you until you get through this process of brokenness. Don’t blame God and miscarry your calling.
There is only one process: take up your cross, deny yourself and follow Jesus. I want us to be broken people who are willing to be used by God. You belong to Jesus. He bought you with His blood and you should be available for Him to use every time and anytime.