8 Tips to Discern God’s Will In Every Situation
Knowing God’s will is a common and important question for many people. If you are needing help to discern God’s will for your life in the area of your career, relationships, or ministry here are a few tips that can help bring some clarity.
Eight Principles to Remember
1. Make a Choice to not be Molded into the Image of the World (Romans 12:1-2).
If you want to have the will of God in your life, you must first decide not to be conformed to the world but to be molded and transformed into the image of Jesus Christ.
2. Allow God to Transform You by Changing Your Mindset (Romans 12:1-2).
The Bible teaches us that in order to be transformed we must first begin to renew our minds, and that process is what will bring about our transformation. If you want to discern God’s will more clearly, I encourage you to begin developing a steady diet of God’s Word. This will change your thinking, and will lead you to know God’s will by experience.
3. Die to Your Own Will in Order to Obey Whatever God Says (Isaiah 55:8-9, Matthew 26:39).
You must understand that knowing God’s will isn’t enough; instead, your pursuit in prayer must not just be to know His will for your life but also to be willing to do it. This step can be hard because it involves dying to your own agenda, preferences, ambitions, ego, and self-importance to walk in God’s will.
I would encourage you to begin to pray for both the discernment of His will and the strength to do what He asks.
4. Search for God’s Counsel Through the Word (Psalm 119:105).
If you want to know God’s will in a particular situation, then I would encourage you to go into God’s Word. It will help open your understanding and guide your decisions.
5. God Gives the Desire to Do What Is His Will (Philippians 2:13).
Another important tip to understand is that as you delight yourself in the Lord, God will produce a desire within you to do His will. Sometimes, both decisions that you are considering may be good, but in those moments, ask the Lord to quicken a desire within you toward His perfect will.
6. God Gives Peace in the Heart to Confirm His Will (Philippians 4:7).
Next, know that God’s peace that passes understanding will guard your heart and confirm His will. If you feel peace regarding what you are considering, and it aligns with God’s Word, then move forward with confidence.
7. Authorities Will Confirm the Will of God. Proverbs 11:14
Also, I would encourage you to seek the counsel of your parents, pastors, spiritual mentors, or other godly authorities. Often these people can provide spiritual and godly counsel as well as bring about confirmation. They can also highlight blind spots that you may have concerning the topic you are praying about.
8. Circumstances Will Favor God’s Will. Psalm 37:23
Lastly, I would encourage you to trust that God will order your steps and believe that your circumstances will align with His will. While circumstances can confirm God’s will, don’t let them be the deciding factor. Look to God’s Word, peace, and counselors first.
Final Thoughts
I hope these tips bring clarity and encouragement to your decision-making process. I pray for God’s guidance, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and for God to give you the desire and the will to do His will.
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