7 Steps To Deepen Your Prayer Life
As Christians, we are called to pray. Jesus’ prayer life is an example for us. He taught about it, practiced it, and continues to intercede for us today (Romans 8:34).
Even with His example, many of us remain confused about how to pray properly or what to ask for, in order to encounter the presence of God during prayer.
I want to simplify this process for you so you can experience God more deeply every day.

The Process To Enter Into God’s Presence
1. Separate yourself.
When you set time apart for the purpose of prayer, it takes your prayer to another level. Now, it is true that we can pray anywhere, but Matthew 28:16-17 says, “Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them. When they saw Him, they worshiped Him.” Jesus could have met them anywhere, but notice that it says that He appointed a place where He met them.
Do you have a place where you separate to meet with God? It could be the basement, the church, the closet; if you don’t have a place, begin with choosing a place to separate and meet with God.
Read my blog: How to Have an Effective Early Morning Prayer
2. Surrender your striving and struggle.
You’ll notice that when you try and get alone with God, you’ll begin to experience a lot of internal battles. It’s not always easy, sometimes your flesh will fight you other times, demons will. Press in and then surrender all of the distractions to the Lord.
As you give God your problems, He will give you His peace.
The Bible says God will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind stays on Him (Isaiah 26:3). It’s normal to have doubts and to struggle in your mind when coming into prayer. However, you must fight to surrender that to God so He can overwhelm you with His presence.
3. The Scripture will come alive.
When you get through that battle of surrender, you’ll notice that Scripture will come alive. It’ll begin to speak to you instead of you just reading it.
Many times Jesus took the time to explain the Scriptures to the disciples because He wanted them to be grounded in the Word. When you set time apart to be with God, the Holy Spirit will begin to explain to you the hidden things about His Word.
4. Worship.
Incorporate worship into your prayer time with Jesus. Find a song you love, and play that song to the Lord.
Because this is a time where you minister to the Lord. Many of us minister for God (the things we do for other people), but in the secret place we minister just to God (Acts 13:2). One of the best ways to do this is by singing worship.
If you have a difficult time connecting, and experiencing intimacy with God, practice worship.
5. A new revelation of Jesus.
A fresh revelation of Jesus is one of the signs that you’ve entered into His presence. It’s when Scripture comes alive, a song bubbles up within you, and His name alone causes tears in your eyes.
When you begin to experience God’s presence, Jesus becomes precious to you.
John the Revelator loved Jesus. He spent time knowing Him and would rest on His chest, and yet in the book of Revelation Jesus reveals a new facet of who He was to John. Although John knew Jesus, he was now seeing a new revelation of His majesty that left him in awe of Jesus once more.
That is the real goal of prayer – to have a new revelation of the majesty of Jesus.
6. The silence.
In the secret place, when Jesus becomes more real, you’ll notice you become quieter.
There will come a time of stillness within you. It will seem as though everything quiets down. The Bible references that saying, “Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
It’s at this point that the worry, anxiety, and stress begin to fade and there is a stillness within you that you can not explain. He’ll occupy you and fill you, and instantly you’ll feel strengthened and rested.
It will be a reset and recalibration for your soul, and it can only be found when you get to this place in prayer.
7. Linger.
Once you’ve entered into His presence, linger.
Learn to love God’s presence so much you begin to linger.
Many times, after the silence, we feel as though our prayer time should be wrapped up because we have other things we must do in life. I want to encourage you to stay longer. If you have the ability to postpone other things in your schedule, do so. Learn to value and linger with Him when He visits you.
It’s the overtime in His presence that will push you into the overflow in life. Stay there, and you’ll notice a difference in your life.
My Advice To You
God’s presence is the key to fulfillment and longevity in ministry and in life. The secret to overflow in your ministry, in your life, is to get in to His presence.
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