5 Reasons to Financial Sacrifice
There are three things you can do with your life, waste it by living selfishly, wreck it by living sinfully or give your life away by living sacrificially. T.C. Studd said, “Only one life, will soon be past, Only what’s done for Christ will last.” Famous missionary Jim Elliot said powerful words, “No fool is man who gives what he can’t keep to gain what he can’t lose.” We can sacrifice in the area of talents, time, and our treasures. Why do we sacrifice?
“No fool is man who gives what he can’t keep to gain what he can’t lose” -Jim Elliot
1. Jesus modeled to us the life of sacrifice.
Our life ought not to be dearer to us than Jesus’ life was to Him. The apostles and martyrs acted on this principle. It’s possible to be poor and be christian, but you can’t be a christian and be stingy. It goes against the life and teaching of Jesus.
Our life ought not to be dearer to us than Jesus’ life was to Him.
2. Sacrifice yields eternal rewards.
We are motivated by our love for the Lord. Jesus makes it clear to store our treasures in heaven by living a life of giving. Life on earth is not our home. We are here just passing through. The more we sacrifice the more we are drawn to heaven. Your treasures lead your heart. If your treasure is in the bank, your heart is there also. If your treasure in God’s kingdom, your heart will be there also.
3. Satan can’t take what you give away to God.
One of many reasons why we give to God is that in this earth, there is moth, rust and thieves that can take what we hoard. Many people fear sacrificing to God due to feeling of loss. When you give something to God, it leaves your hand but not your life. When you hold on to something instead of giving, it becomes exposed to devil, demons, accidents, and evil people.
4. Sacrifice helps to bring salvation.
It’s important to notice that by selfishness first Adam condemned this world and by sacrifice the last Adam saved this world. Our salvation is only possible because of sacrifice of Jesus. Our sacrifice helps to bring that salvation to the dying world. We can’t secure no one’s salvation by sacrificing but by our sacrifice others can hear about Jesus.
Our mind is like rubber band, it’s useless if it’s not stretched.
5. Sacrifice changes you.
Our mind is like rubber band, it’s useless if it’s not stretched. Sacrifice in our finances and other areas stretches our faith and our mind. Many times God gives us ideas outside of our comfort zone and sacrifice puts us outside of those zones.
To live a life of sacrifice is so rewarding.
It starts with a PROMPTING from the Lord and then you get EXCITED.
Then FEAR kicks in.
LOGIC comes after fear.
Then comes DOUBT.
If you overcome all that, you will have FAITH in your heart to do what the Lord tells you to do. After act of that FAITH, you will begin to see the REWARD of that sacrifice.
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