The Conviction of the Holy Spirit
When most of us think about the Holy Spirit, we immediately think about the gift of tongues or maybe of His power that can flow and touch someone’s life. However, when we look at Scripture we see that there are deeper aspects to His Presence that He desires us to understand.
The Primary Gift
The Bible states in 2 Corinthians 13:14 that while God gives us love and Jesus offers us grace, the Spirit brings us into communion with Him. This communion allows for us to have an intimate relationship.
And, the best part is that because of the cross we are fully qualified for that relationship, in the same way that we are qualified for the love of God and grace of Jesus. This gift is available to all believers, not just a select few.
Conviction of Righteousness
Another important role of the Holy Spirit is conviction to the believer. However, it’s not just about sin. While the Holy Spirit does convict us of sin to guide us back to righteousness, He also convicts us of our righteousness in Christ. We see this in John 16:8. This means that He does not just make us aware of the sin in our lives, but He also reminds us of what the cross of Jesus has done for us and our right standing before God through the blood of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit is active in both of these roles in the life of a believer and they are essential for our spiritual growth and the understanding of our identity in Jesus.
Final Thoughts
No matter what sin you’ve committed, may the blood of Jesus and the conviction of the Holy Spirit lead you to understand that have been made righteous through Christ upon your belief in Him and your repentance.
The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” This means Jesus took our place so we can be seen as good and right in God’s eyes, all because of what Jesus did, not what we do.
Allow this truth to sink into your soul. Pray into this truth and allow your relationship with the Holy Spirit to get deeper as you walk out this truth in your life.
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