
Facing a Difficult Situation?

By Vladimir Savchuk | August 8, 2024 | 5 mins

Facing a Difficult Situation?

When we’re faced with difficult situations in life, it can be hard to understand where the Lord is leading. The story of Mary is a great reminder that God’s answer to an impossible situation is the Holy Spirit (Luke 1:34-35).

When Faced In a Difficult Situation

In the Book of Luke we see that the angel comes to Mary and tells her that she will have a child. At this point in her life, she is engaged but is still a virgin (Luke 1). After the angel tells her this news, Mary says, “How can this be?” The angel responds, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you” (Luke 1:34-35).

1. Understand that God’s Answer to the Impossible Situation is the Holy Spirit.

When facing impossible situations—desiring the salvation of a loved one, healing from disease, breaking the cycle of poverty—God’s solution is the Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost is a real Person who performs miracles. Everything about the story of the birth of Christ is supernatural.

The Bible says in Zechariah 4:6-7 says, “Not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” When we’re faced with great challenges, remember that God’s power is greater than our human efforts. When you’ve done all you can, trust that the Holy Ghost will step in.

2. Your Confession Matters

After the angel said, “The Holy Ghost will come upon you,” Mary responded, “Let it be to me according to Your Word.” This highlights an important truth we should remember in difficult times–your confession matters.

Complaining extends hardship, but speaking God’s Word shortens it. We also see in Scripture that David often spoke to his soul, commanding it to worship God despite circumstances (Psalm 42:11).

I want to encourage you to switch your speech to agree with God’s Word. Confess God’s promises over your life, even when circumstances seem contrary. This doesn’t mean denying reality but affirming God’s truth over it.

3. Praise God in the Hallway

Next, we see that Mary praised God before she saw the miracle. Unlike Zachariah, who praised after his son was born, Mary praised while still pregnant. True faith praises God in the hallway, while waiting for the miracle.

Praise attracts God’s presence. Complaining attracts demons, but praise builds a platform for God. In church, take the opportunity to praise God wholeheartedly. This act of faith can bring about miracles.

4. Surround Yourself with Other ‘Pregnant’ People

Another important step to take when faced with difficult situations is to surround yourself with people who believe in God’s promises. Mary visited Elizabeth, who was also pregnant miraculously (Luke 1:39-45). During these times, join a life group or community of believers who encourage and support you. Your environment influences your faith and outcomes, so surrounding yourself with people of faith strengthens your journey.

Remember that good environments create change. It’s not goals alone that change lives, but groups. Choose your surroundings wisely by spending time with people who challenge and inspire you to grow spiritually.

5. The Supernatural Nature of the Conception Does Not Imply That the Process Won’t Be Painful

Lastly, remember that just because Mary conceived supernaturally doesn’t mean the process was painless or fast. She still went through a normal pregnancy and childbirth. Similarly, God’s supernatural intervention doesn’t override our human responsibility. Healing, revival, deliverance, and financial miracles involve processes that require discipline and hard work.

God starts the supernatural as a spark but expects us to partner with Him to see it fulfilled. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light, but it requires our participation.

Read: The Power of Prayer and Fasting

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