“Which of These is God’s Voice?”
In our walk with God, we’ll encounter various voices, but only one of these is truly God’s voice. Understanding these voices is crucial for our spiritual growth and discernment. So, how can we know which is truly His? Here’s what the Bible teaches us.
The Voices in the Garden
In the Genesis story, we encounter four distinct voices:
- Our Own Voice: Like Adam and Eve, we often hear our own thoughts and desires.
- God’s Voice: God speaks directly, offering guidance and wisdom.
- The Devil’s Voice: Represented by the snake, presenting temptation and deceit.
- Influence of Others: Eve influencing Adam, showing how others can sway our actions.
Despite the abundance of voices around us, God’s voice remains distinct and active in our lives. As Hebrews 3:7-9 and Matthew 4:4 emphasize, God didn’t just speak then but continues to be present and guides us today. Jesus’ analogy of the sheep recognizing their shepherd’s voice demonstrates the importance of being familiar with His voice in our lives.
The Importance of Heeding God’s Voice
Deuteronomy 28:15-68 highlights the blessings of obeying His voice and the consequences of disobeying it. Notice that God doesn’t bless us for hearing His voice. Instead, He blesses us for obeying it.
Scripture tells us that in the garden, Adam heard the voice of his wife, which was influenced by the snake, and in the wilderness, Jesus heard the voice of Satan. Yet, the experiences with the voices that Adam and Jesus heard show that the outcome depends not on the voices we hear but on whose we choose to follow.
Characteristics of God’s Voice
- Aligns with Scripture: His voice never contradicts His Word.
- Divine Nature: Unlike other voices that stem from human or demonic sources, His voice is divine.
- Consistency: His voice remains steady and unchanging, unlike the fluctuating voices of people.
- Reflects God’s Will: His voice aligns with His nature and purposes, not our circumstances or desires.
- Requires Faith: Unlike other voices that are easily heard, discerning His voice requires faith.
- Brings Providence: His voice is accompanied by His support and guidance.
- Speaks in a Still, Small Voice: Often, He communicates in gentle whispers rather than loud declarations.
Distinguishing God’s Voice from Satan’s
- Calming vs Obsessing
- Comforting vs Worrying
- Convicting vs Condemning
- Encouraging vs Discouraging
- Enlightening vs Confusing
- Leading vs Pushing
- Reassuring vs Frightening
- Stilling vs Rushing
Read: God’s Voice vs My Thoughts
Learning to Discern God’s Voice
To better discern His voice:
- Stay Close to God: We must be near God to hear Him.
- Fill Yourself With His Word: Knowledge of Scripture is key.
- Reduce The Noise: Minimize distractions to hear His quiet voice.
- Obey His Last Instructions: Faithfulness in small things allows Him to continue guiding us.
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