Wild Anointing
The second book of Kings talks about a man, Jehu, who seemed wild to many others, but God had deposited that within him and chosen him to defeat one the most wicked queens–Jezebel.
Then he arose and went into the house. And he poured the oil on his head, and said to him, “Thus says the Lord God of Israel: ‘I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel.’“
2 Kings 9:6
Jezebel was only able to operate in the dimension she did because of her spineless husband, Ahab. She was could function and destroy because her husband never lived out his authoritative role.
That is one of the tell-tale signs of the Jezebel spirit. Jezebel cannot operate in the presence of strong leadership. So usually there is a Jezebel spirit working behind an Ahab.
In the story of 2 Kings, we see that Jehu was not a renown prophet. He was simply a military man. And, Scripture doesn’t say that he was given a specific weapon or a strategy by God to defeat Jezebel; instead, we see that he was simply given an anointing.
In Christian circles, it’s common to hear the phrase, “Lord, use me.” But saying you use something usually implies that you’re tossing it when when you’re finished with it. It’s simply a means to an end. And that’s not what God does. God anoints people because He loves them; they’re not just a means to an end.
I believe that God anointed Jehu because that’s what breaks the yoke. It is not knowledge, a degree, buildings, or finances–though I am not against any of those things–but Scripture makes it clear that only the anointing breaks the yoke.
…And the yoke will be destroyed because of the anointing oil.
Isaiah 10:27
There are spiritual enemies that can only be confronted with spiritual powers and the spiritual power God gives is the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
The Jehu Generation
I believe that in this hour there is a special anointing being released on what I call the Jehu generation. Before us, there were powerful people of God who operated in the anointing–the prophets, the apostles, men and women who raised the dead and did great exploits for the Lord. In the United States, there were healing revivals, powerful baptism of the Holy Spirit at Azuza Street, and the repentance revival at Brownsville. I believe that the same is happening now. A climax is taking place.
The witchcraft of Jezebel in our generation has risen to her heights. Through her sorcery and seduction, our generation of Gen Z and millennials, have dived into alternative spirituality, not atheism. Whereas in previous generations people would reject the existence of God and the divinity of Christ, today they embrace and worship everything.
Our generation is more spiritual than any generation before us, saying there are many ways to God, and even using spirit guides and looking to the stars to predict their future. That is an open door to witchcraft. And I believe that the Lord is raising up young Jehu’s who will bring a greater revival in our time and destroy the works of Jezebel.
If you look at the previous revivals in the United States you will see one missing component in the mainline revivals–deliverance. God is raising up a wild generation. One that is unashamed and bold. He is pouring out His anointing on this generation to go head on against the witchcraft in our generation. God is raising a David to fight against Goliath.
God is raising a Jehu to defeat Jezebel. You are that generation.
Jehu was wild. The Bible shows us that when Jehu drove his chariot, people knew it was him because he drove wildly.
The watchman exclaimed, “The messenger has met them, but he isn’t returning either! It must be Jehu son of Nimshi, for he’s driving like a madman.”
2 Kings 9:20
There was something about him that was wild and unpredictable. And that’s exactly what it took to defeat the wickedness that prevailed in that time.
For the wickedness, God will raise the wildness.
The Anointing Makes The Difference
Don’t aim for a title in the church. Church titles are something people give to you and something that they can take from you.
You can be like Joseph and get kicked out of the house of Potiphar, but they cannot take away your anointing. If you have to go to prison, you will end up running the prison like Joseph did. Every position in the church is temporary. If all you have is position, when you lose it, you feel like your world is destroyed. But if you learn to cultivate an intimacy with the Holy Spirit, you’ll carry the anointing. When you carry an anointing, a title, microphone, spotlight or camera aren’t necessary.
When you are anointed, you are not going to be fighting for a position, you are going to be looking for a dark corner where you can be the light. The anointing does not need a title; it needs a problem to solve. In the anointing of Jehu, nobody gave him a position, or a throne; they simply gave him a Jezebel to throw down.
The Turnaround Anointing
So the horseman went to meet him, and said, ‘Thus says the king: Is it peace?’ and Jehu said, ‘What have you to do with peace? Turn around and follow me.’” So the watchman reported, saying, ‘The messenger went to them, but is not coming back.
2 Kings 9:18
The anointing of God is so precious and important. The first thing that the anointing of God must do is cause people to turn and follow God.
Jesus was anointed, and the first thing He was anointed to do was to preach the Good News. We need the anointing to preach. It’s not just about having the ability to communicate because if we are not anointed to preach, we become motivational speakers. Motivational speakers have their place but they don’t cause people to repent. They can bring relief but they don’t bring repentance. The anointing brings change.
Jesus’s first message was repent for the kingdom of God is near. Today, the message of Jesus Christ is still the message of repentance. We must repent, be converted and follow Jesus.
Unfortunately, we have a lot of people who confess they are bad but they never change and convert from their ways. We have people come forward to an altar and pray the sinner’s prayer but they don’t turn from the lifestyle they’re living. How do I know that? Because there are Christians who claim to believe in God but don’t believe in absolute truth. There are Christians who claim they believe in God who say they think abortion is a woman’s right and that love is love. How can this be? Because more often than not, they’ve come to the from but they never came to get discipled.
Our desire is not to count how many people got saved but to go from revival to the reformation of our culture. We cannot do that unless we obey the commission of Jesus. Jesus commanded us to go into all the world, make disciples and don’t stop there but to teach them – change their world view, and teach them to observe everything that He has commanded.
Do Not Conform To What God Calls You To Confront
Jehu did not conform to Jezebel
We shall not make covenants with that which we were anointed to conquer. Stop saying your homosexual tendencies are who you are. As a Christian, it is what you are anointed to get rid of. If you are not a Christian, that might be who you are; you were born a sinner, are going to die a sinner and will burn in the lake of fire because you are separated from God. No therapy, counseling, or medicine can save you; you cannot save yourself. Only Jesus can save you. But the moment you become a Christian something happens, Jesus gives you a new nature. That means you can no longer identify with your issue; you identify with your Savior.
Nobody should be conforming to your anger; you should be confronting the spirit of anger in your life. When you got saved, you were anointed to confront the Jezebel, anger, fear, addiction, depression, that generational curse or demonic spirit in your life. Stop conforming to your problem and domesticating it. Rise up and declare a war against it. The Bible says submit to God and resist the devil (James 4:7).
Jesus has given us authority and we should be bold in using it. Jehu did not go to Jezebel’s house and ask God to send a plague to kill her. Jezebel was confronted by Jehu and taken down. Elijah and Elisha did not do that. Are you going to do that? Or will you keep getting people to medicate your spiritual problem? God did not give us the anointing to conform; He gave it to us to confront spiritual forces of darkness in Jesus’s name.
Jezebel Has Many Tactics
Now when Jehu had come to Jezreel, Jezebel heard of it; and she put paint on her eyes and adorned her head, and looked through a window.
2 Kings 9:30
Jezebel will try to put a hook of intimidation into you, but when it fails, she will put on lipstick. She attacked Elijah with intimidation, but she attacked Jehu by putting on makeup. Elijah was threatened. She didn’t want to kill Elijah because if she did, she wouldn’t have sent a messenger; she would have sent a hitman. She couldn’t take Elijah out, but she wanted to scare him.
Understand something about the enemy: when the devil threatens to kill you, he is lying.
He would have killed you if he could. All he can do is try to scare you. When the devil tells you that you’re not going to make it and replays horror stories in your head, I want to remind you that his greatest tool is fear. Stop running from fear, confront it and then keep going after God. Elijah ran from Jezebel because of fear. The enemy cannot take you out before God’s time if you stand in faith and walk after God.
Jezebel changed her tactic from trying to put a hook into Jehu to putting a bait in front of him. Many men of courage are a lot more aware and cautious of fear and intimidation but have their guard down against lipstick and seduction.
If you are a successful person who has conquered trials like alcoholism or addictions, and have risen to the top of your career, be wary of getting overconfident. Just because you are not attacked with that which you were delivered from, it does not mean that there is no bait in front of you. Walk in the fear of God. Don’t fall prey to demonic lies and agendas.
This is why we need to have strong marriages, communities, and convictions. The devil does have a plan. It’s one thing to drive out demons, but it’s another thing to fall prey to the bait. Jezebel put that bait in front of Jehu but I love the fact that Jehu didn’t even entertain the thought.
Jezebel Couldn’t Stop Jehu; Jehu Stopped Jehu
But Jehu took no heed to walk in the law of the LORD God of Israel with all his heart; for he did not depart from the sins of Jeroboam, who had made Israel sin.
2 Kings 10:31
When God gets the demon out, your biggest problem is not going to be them anymore; it is going to be you. When God removes toxic people out of your life, your biggest problem is not going to be them but you.
Your aim is not to be a demon slayer but a disciple; not a deliverance minister but God’s child. Be a Christian who follows Jesus. Your walk should be as good as your war. Deliverance without discipleship will lead to disappointment. Be a disciple. Join a local church. Join a small group. Submit to leadership. Prioritize accountability. The fruit of the Spirit is not God-control but self-control. It is not about God controlling you but you learning to control yourself.
Let us be known as people who don’t find their identity in deliverance but in Jesus. We are disciples of Jesus Christ who do deliverance, we’re Jehus who slay Jezebels, but we also know how to walk with the Lord faithfully–day in and day out. That is where the real challenge is because that is where you are motivated by your spiritual maturity instead of external pressures.