Talk to the Holy Spirit
Many of us have been told that we have to walk in the Spirit. In fact, we read about that in Scripture. But many people don’t know where to begin. The truth is that in order to walk in the Spirit we must start talking to the Spirit.
The Bible teaches us that the Holy Spirit wants to have fellowship with us.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen.
2 Corinthians 13:14
In this verse we see that God gives us love, Jesus gives us grace, and the Spirit gives us communion.
Most of us think that the Spirit’s gift is tongues or power, but His primary gift to us is the ability to develop a relationship. He desires to have an ongoing relationship with you and I. And the beauty is that we are fully qualified for that relationship, in the same way that we have been qualified for the love of God and grace of Jesus through Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross.
He desires intimacy with all of us, not just with certain, special people.
For there is no partiality with God.
Romans 2:11
He Uses Conviction
His gift is not just conviction but communion. When believers think of the Holy Spirit, their minds quickly move to the fact that the Holy Spirit’s role is to convict us of sin. And although that’s true, when you read the context, you will see that He comes to convict the world of sin and to convict us of righteousness (John 16:8). His role is to convict the world of sin so that they may believe in God to bring them to Christ. He does convict us of sin as well, but He also wants to convict us of the righteousness that we have through Jesus Christ.
When was the last time The Holy Spirit convicted you that you are righteous? Do you know that that’s also His role? Conviction is what He does, but His gift to us is the ability to go deeper and commune with Him.
He’s a Person
One of the first things we must change in order to walk deeper in intimacy and communion with the Holy Spirit is to realize that He is a person.
You can’t have a friendship with someone whom you keep calling “it.”
Many people don’t have fellowship with the Holy Spirit because they view the Him as a force instead of a friend. They see Him as a power, not as a person. Jesus never referred to the Holy Spirit as “it” but always as “He.” The Holy Spirit is a person. He is not a dove, wind, fire, cloud, force, or even power. He is not even a feeling. He is a real person and you can get to know Him today.
Read more: How to Know the Holy Spirit