
Signs You’re Called to Deliverance Ministry

By Vladimir Savchuk | September 23, 2024 | 4 mins

Signs You’re Called to Deliverance Ministry

Deliverance ministry is a powerful part of the Great Commission, and there are clear signs that God is calling you to this ministry. Here are the eight signs that you may be called to deliverance ministry.

Eight Signs You’re Called to Deliverance Ministry

1. You Believe in the Resurrected Victorious King

The first sign is that you believe in the resurrected, victorious King. Mark 16:17-18 says, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name, they will cast out demons.” Jesus has defeated Satan, disarmed principalities, and risen from the dead. If you believe in Him, casting out demons is part of your calling. This is not limited to apostles or pastors—it’s for all believers.

2. You Obey the Great Commission

When you obey the Great Commission and bring the Gospel to people, you’ll encounter demonic oppression. As Jesus said, “Go and make disciples,” and in doing so, you’ll see the demonic realm react because demons are often present in the lives of those who do not obey the Gospel. When you preach the Good News, demons will become uncomfortable and start manifesting, not because you’re seeking them, but because of the power of the Holy Spirit working through you.

3. A Strong Desire to See People Set Free

Another sign is a strong desire to see people set free from spiritual bondage. This deep compassion and burden for those oppressed by demonic forces is not ordinary sympathy. It’s a Christlike love that drives you to help others find freedom. Deliverance ministry is not about becoming popular or powerful; it’s about compassion and seeing lives transformed by the power of Jesus.

4. You Have Experienced Deliverance Personally

Many who are called to deliverance have experienced it themselves. Personal deliverance can equip you to bring freedom to others. Just as Moses was delivered and then used by God to free the Israelites, your experience can prepare you to help others. Often, after you’ve been delivered, you’ll find that people with similar struggles will seek you out for help, and you will see the same freedom in their lives.

5. People Manifest Demons When You Pray

When people manifest demons during prayer, it’s another sign you’re called to deliverance ministry. You might not seek these manifestations, but when people share their struggles, you can recognize demonic influence and pray accordingly. As you pray, demons may start to manifest, indicating that deliverance is part of your calling.

6. Manifestation of Spiritual Gifts

Spiritual gifts such as discernment, prophetic insight, or healing often accompany deliverance ministry. These gifts are crucial for identifying and addressing spiritual oppression. Discernment, in particular, allows you to recognize the presence of evil spirits. If these gifts are manifesting in your life, it’s likely that God is calling you to deliverance.

7. Confirmation from Spiritual Authorities

Confirmation from pastors, mentors, or spiritual leaders is another sign of your calling to deliverance ministry. These leaders may recognize the anointing on your life and confirm your calling, providing accountability and guidance. It’s important to be part of a church or community that supports deliverance, as this provides protection and support.

8. A Sense of Spiritual Authority

Finally, those called to deliverance often have a deep sense of spiritual authority. You understand that Jesus has given you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and overcome all the power of the enemy. This authority is not about arrogance but humility, knowing that it is Jesus who delivers, not you.

Read: Self Deliverance 101

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