
Satan Sent Them? 6 Signs They’re Not the One

By Vladimir Savchuk | October 10, 2024 | 6 mins

Satan Sent Them? 6 Signs They’re Not the One

One of the ways Satan diverts people is by sending them a “distraction” which can often come in the form of a person. Often singles will too easily become distracted, only to end up feeling overwhelmed by defeat and disappointment.

Becoming aware of potential red flags is important when trying to discern whether the person you are dating is the potential “one” or not. Here are a few signs that may help.

6 Signs They’re Not the One

1. Understand That Desperation Blurs Discernment

When you are desperate for a relationship, you become impatient, which leads to blurred discernment. In moments like these, Satan will try to take advantage and distract you from the fact that the person you’re pursuing is not God’s blessing, but Satan’s bait.

Desperation causes you to become impatient and impulsive, blinding you to the truth. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be married or desiring a relationship, but be careful that your hunger for a relationship doesn’t become desperation. If you are to be desperate, be desperate for God.

2. Low Self-Esteem Often Attracts Unhealthy Relationships

Carrying a low self-image is unhealthy because often, it attracts the wrong crowd. My encouragement would be to not rush into a relationship until your relationship with God is stable.

If you have past wounds, you’ll use the current relationship to try to medicate the pain, and it won’t heal you, but rather it will only make the infection worse.

As Christians, our self-esteem comes from Jesus. When you have a healthy self-image, you know who you are, and you can distinguish between love and lust. As a result, you won’t seek relationships for healing because Jesus already makes you whole.

3. Ignoring Obvious Red Flags Puts You on the Way to Destruction

Another thing to be aware of is that God often puts road signs in our relationships, and it’s up to us to pay attention to red flags early on. A great example of a big red flag is when the person does not share your faith, or when you’re already praying for them to change, and you’re not married yet.

Remember, relationships are not rehab. Instead, let God work on that person, and wait for Him to bring someone into your life who is prepared for that season. I encourage you to learn to say no to relationships that don’t give you peace. Satan will bring the wrong relationships into your life if you ignore the tension. This is a big part of learning to discern correctly.

4. Losing Your Standards to Remain With Them Is a Sign They’re Sent From Hell

Another equally important sign that helps you discern if they are not the one is if you begin to lose or lower your standards when you’re with them. This should be a early red flag. Early on in your relationship, take time to set healthy boundaries and define your core values. If someone doesn’t respect those values, especially purity, they are not from God. If someone pushes you to break your standards or shames you for keeping them, send them back to where they came from, because they don’t care about you or God.

5. Satan Can Trick You If You Don’t Listen to Anyone Except Those Who Agree With You

As Christians, it’s important that we lean into wise counsel because there is safety in it. We all have blind spots, and we must be humble enough to listen to wisdom of those around us if we don’t want to have a pitfall. Note that if you only listen to those who agree with you, you’re setting yourself up to be deceived. Feelings and infatuation cloud your thinking. Having cool-headed people in your life can help you avoid making mistakes you’ll regret.

6. Losing Yourself While Pursuing Someone Is a Sign of a Wrong Relationship

Lastly, you should never lose yourself while you’re in a relationship. Instead, the other person should complement you, not cancel you. While you’re with them, if you lose your friends, family, ministry, and your life becomes absorbed in one person, you’ve lost yourself. A relationship from God complements you. You don’t stop being yourself; instead, you grow and become the best version of yourself in Christ.

I truly pray that these simple signs help you discern whether the relationship you are in is a blessing from God or a distraction from the enemy sent to derail you from the path you’re on.

Be wise and discerning, and don’t be too afraid to wait for God’s best for your life.

Read: 11 Signs He’s the One

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