
When to Leave Certain People in Your Life

By Vladimir Savchuk | December 2, 2024 | 5 mins

When to Leave Certain People in Your Life

Deciding to leave a church, community, or relationship that once felt right can be hard. However, there are times when God calls us to leave for the sake of our spiritual growth. This isn’t about abandoning relationships but about learning to recognize when a place or group is no longer aligned with the path God has for us. Here are four signs that can help you discern when it’s time to move on.

4 Signs It’s Time to Move On

1. They Have a Different Doctrine

The first one is if the church or group that you’re connected with has a doctrine that diverges from your view on fundamental issues. Now, keep in mind this is not about minor disagreements, like the timing of end-times events, but rather about major theological points.

For example, in Acts 15, Paul had a significant dispute over the issue of Gentile believers keeping the law of Moses. This disagreement led him to Jerusalem for guidance from other apostles, which eventually led to freedom from these legalistic requirements.

If the church teaches that miracles, deliverance, and spiritual gifts are no longer relevant while you believe the opposite, remaining in a place like that can hinder growth and faith in these aspects.

Doctrine is essential as believers, and if your core beliefs don’t align, it may be best to find a church where you can grow spiritually.

2. Personal Disagreement

Secondly, it’s important to understand that sometimes the issue isn’t doctrinal but based on personal disagreement over how things are done. In Acts 15:39-40, Paul and Barnabas had a “sharp disagreement” over whether to bring Mark on their journey. Their difference in opinion was so strong that they ended up parting ways.

As a result, if you find yourself struggling with how a ministry or community operates, it’s okay to leave respectfully. This doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with either party—it could simply be that you have different approaches.

In cases like this, make sure to keep your heart full of love, avoid gossip, and make sure you aren’t leaving out of offense or ambition. Sometimes, God can use these differences to multiply His work, just as He did with Paul and Barnabas.

3. Dryness

On the other hand, sometimes God moves us out of places because a season has ended. In 1 Kings 17:7-9, the brook that fed Elijah dried up, signaling it was time to move on. Now it’s important to note that this sort of exiting isn’t about leaving just because you feel spiritually dry but about recognizing when God is calling you to move.

If your place of service or fellowship has become routine and you sense God calling you to something new, be attentive to His guidance. However, don’t leave just because things are difficult. If God is clearly moving you, it may be time to step into the next season He has prepared.

4. Different Destiny

And lastly, God may have a different destination for you.

In Genesis 31:1-3, we see that Jacob realized his time with Laban had ended. After 20 years, God called him to return home. This was confirmed as he observed changes in his environment and heard God’s direction. Sometimes you’ll know it’s time to leave because you feel God nudging you toward something different.

If you see a lack of favor or hear God saying, “Move on,” be willing to step out. But leave well—speak to leaders, ask for their blessing, and avoid gossip.

When it’s time to leave, leave gracefully. Don’t bring negativity from the old season into the new one. Jesus said if people reject you, shake the dust off and move forward. Don’t bring “dust” into your next season. Avoid gossip and badmouthing, even if things weren’t perfect.

Remember, God will honor the way you honor others, and that respect will bless your journey forward.

Read: “Which Of These Is God’s Voice?”

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