I once told God that if He gave me a car, I would go to early morning prayer. When I got my license, I didn’t follow through. A few days later, I got pulled over, and the Holy Spirit reminded me of my promise. I prayed, “Lord, if the officer doesn’t give me a ticket, I will go to morning prayer.” He let me go with a warning, and I knew God was asking me: “Can you pursue Me because you love Me, not just because you need Me?”
Sometimes we press into God when we’re in trouble, but when things are good, we drift. Maturity is when we pursue Him in blessings the same way we would in brokenness.
In the Bible we see the life of a man named Jairus who had a sick daughter. As a leader of the synagogue, going to Jesus was risky. It could cost him his status, friendships, and position, but desperation often overrides dignity. When you get desperate for God, you break away from norms. Jairus didn’t care about opinions—he cared about his daughter’s life. Here’s what his life teaches us (Mark 5:35).
Here’s What to Remember In This Season
1. Don’t Get Jealous of Others Who Seem to Receive a Miracle More Easily Than You
Jairus was walking with Jesus when a woman with an issue of blood touched Jesus’ garment and was instantly healed. Jairus had been waiting for Jesus to heal his sick daughter and now Jesus stopped along the road for someone else. While he was waiting, messengers came and said, “Your daughter is dead. Why trouble the Teacher any longer?”
Similarly, many people struggle when others get their miracle instantly while they are still waiting. The Bible is full of examples like this. Sarah couldn’t have children, but Hagar conceived easily. Joseph had dreams, yet he was in prison while someone else’s dream was fulfilled overnight. Sometimes, God lets others receive quickly while testing your faith to walk it out. Don’t be discouraged—your wait is not in vain.
2. Don’t Be Afraid to Walk with Jesus When Things Get Worse
Secondly, we see that Jairus came to Jesus for healing, but due to the delay, his daughter was now dead. In other words, sometimes you seek God and things seem to get worse instead of better. So what do you do when drawing closer to Jesus complicates everything? In the storu, we see that Jesus told Jairus, “Do not be afraid, only believe.” He didn’t turn back—He kept walking to Jairus’ house.
If you’re praying and your situation is worsening, I want to encourage you that Jesus is still on the way to your house. Your healing, your breakthrough, your family’s salvation—Jesus is still coming. Keep believing.
3. When Jesus Comes In, Some Things Have to Go
Lastly, we see in the Scripture that Jesus arrived at Jairus’ house and removed the doubters and mourners from the room before performing the miracle.
In other words, if you want resurrection in any area of your life it’s important to be prepared for Jesus to remove some things. Sometimes, you pray for God to change your spouse, but instead, He starts dealing with your heart. Or perhaps you pray for a breakthrough, and He asks you to forgive, serve, or let go of sin.
God is calling us all to put our lives in order—not out of legalism, but out of holiness. He is still on the way to your house. Trust His timing, and don’t let go of your faith.