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Understand This About Your Purpose
By Vlad Savchuk | March 17, 2025 | 5 minutes
Understand This About Your Purpose

There is no such thing as a Christian without a mission. In fact, every person is either a missionary or the mission field. As believers, we are not called to be the sugar of the earth—we are called to be the salt. Salt preserves and brings flavor; it keeps culture from decaying. God desires to set your life on fire, but once He does, it’s for the purpose of reaching others.

However, when we don’t understand that call on our lives, it can be difficult to feel a sense of purpose and direction. Here’s what you must know regarding your purpose from the life of Moses.

The Truth About Your Purpose

1. You Were Born on Purpose

First, it’s important to that you understand that your birth is not an accident. Even if your parents didn’t “plan” you, you were born on purpose (Hebrews 11:23). You didn’t come from your parents—you came through your parents.

I was born during the Chernobyl disaster, with complications that could have left me handicapped or dead. However, my grandmother prayed me through, and even after birth, I struggled to survive for the first two years. As the years went on, I battled insecurities, questioning how someone who was socially awkward and struggled to speak could have a purpose. But remember that flaws do not disqualify you. You are made in the image of God, and your existence is intentional.

In fact, God longed for you before you were ever born. He chose this exact moment in history for you to exist. If He wanted you in Moses’ generation, you would have been there, but He placed you here, now, because this is where your purpose fits best.

2. Embrace Suffering

Many people believe a great calling comes with perks—recognition, prosperity, popularity, but the truth is, the greater the calling, the greater the suffering you must endure.

Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s palace, surrounded by luxury and privilege, but before God used him, Moses chose affliction. He chose “to suffer affliction with the people of God rather than to enjoy the passing pleasures of sin” (Hebrews 11:25). You see, being close to God’s people comes with challenges—iron sharpens iron, and that process causes friction. If you stay in any church long enough, you will experience hurt, but maturity means choosing to endure, work through conflicts, and remain committed.

Some of the greatest men of God suffered for their faith. John Wesley went three days without being attacked for preaching and got concerned. He prayed, “Lord, have I lost the anointing?” Immediately, someone threw a brick at him, and he rejoiced, knowing he was still walking in his calling. We must toughen up. The call of God comes with a price we must pay.

3. Go Far to Find Fire

Next we see that Moses went far, and there, he encountered the burning bush (Exodus 3:1). if you’ve read the story, you now that he was not in an easy time in his life, but here, a burnt-out man met a burning bush.

If you want fresh fire in your life, you have to go beyond what is comfortable and familiar.

I believe that we get stuck in routine far too easily. It’s easy for yesterday’s revival to become today’s routine, and soon, tomorrow’s rut. But I want to encourage you–If you feel spiritually stagnant, it’s time to go further. Push past your limits—pray longer, fast for the first time, give more sacrificially.

Moses had tried to fulfill his calling on his own and he failed. But, just because something didn’t work the first time doesn’t mean God is finished with you. When you encounter the fire of God, everything changes. You don’t need a platform, a microphone, or recognition—you need fire. When you burn for God, heaven opens the way.

4. God’s Call on Your Life is an Answer to the Cry of Your Generation

And lastly, know that God didn’t call Moses because Moses was special—He called him because He heard the cry of His people (Exodus 3:9-10). The most important piece of advice I can give someone is for them to understand that the call of God on your life is not about you. It’s about those who are crying out for hope.

If you don’t answer the call, how can God answer their cry? I once had a neighbor who seemed happy, always smiling. I kept postponing sharing Jesus with him. One day, my wife felt a heaviness about him. I Googled his name and found out he had committed suicide two months earlier.

Let this be a reminder that every soul that is saved is the answer to someone’s cry. God calls us not because we are amazing, but because He loves people deeply. Say yes to the call so that He can answer the cries of your generation.

Read: How to Know When God is Calling You to Fast

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