There are two ways people look at homosexuality within the Christian circle: the progressive view and those who uphold a more traditional view.
Those within the progressive view of homosexuality often include the United Church of Christ, Episcopal Church, and some of the Lutheran and Presbyterian communities. The typically do not view homosexual acts or attractions as sinful and argue that Scripture in fact is supportive of it, if they are interpreted correctly.
Progressive Christians reject the traditional interpretation of the Scripture and say that those things are culturally and historically conditioned and they advocate for a broader view of the gospel that includes everybody.
So where does this view err in thinking?
What the Progressive View Misses About Christianity
1. Homosexuality Was Not God’s Plan for Sexual Expression (Gen 2:2).
In Genesis and Hebrews 13:4, homosexual practice brought disastrous judgment of God upon the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah and can often still be seen in the physical body in the form of an incurable disease as a result of this homosexual behavior.
Homosexual behavior is condemned as an abomination in the Bible and it prohibits sex in seven areas: with parents, children, siblings, another spouse, animals, dead people, and same sex. Homosexuality in the New Testament is presented as a natural state rooted in fallen human nature and uses five words to describe both male and female homosexual conduct: unnatural, perverted, degrading, shameful, and indecent.
2. Sin Is Not Just in the Sexual Act, but Also In Entertaining Lustful Thoughts
In Scripture, we see that Jesus connects anger with murder (Matthew 5:21-22) and lust with adultery (Matthew 5:27-28). Sinful actions begin with sinful desires (James 1:14-15). Homosexuality is a sin, and the desire to commit homosexual acts is sinful.
It’s important for believers to make the distinction between temptation and entertaining these thoughts. Temptation in the mind is not a sin, but entertaining and accepting the sinful thoughts is.
3. We Are Sinners by Nature
Human beings are born in sin and naturally desire what is forbidden by God. When you become a Christian, you still wrestle with the residue of the old nature. The Bible calls us to crucify the flesh with its passions and desires. Having thoughts regarding same-sex attraction is characterized as a temptation, not a sin; however, if it turns into a lustful intention or is constantly entertained, it becomes a sin in the heart (2 Corinthians 10:5).
God’s will is to save you from sin and bring you into the image of His Son by renewing your mind.
The Danger of Saying “I Just Want to Be Holy, Not Heterosexual”
It’s important to understand that we are not just called to be holy, but Jesus also wants to restore us to His original design. God gives us a new identity and desires. The Holy Spirit desires to develop fruit consistent with His requirements.
Jesus sets us free from the penalty and power of sin. While temptation will always be there, we should not accept sinful inclinations as normal or correct. Resist, submit to God, and renew your mind.
God’s will is for us to be set free and resist temptations. Identify with Jesus and rebuke what is not of God.