From Fear to Freedom
In the quiet days of January, amidst a transformative 21-day fast, Otiti Jasmine from Germany embarked on a journey that changed her life. She overcame debilitating fear of accidents and reignited her passion for cooking—a gift she had lost for nearly a decade. Her testimony is a powerful story of healing, faith, and rediscovery, offering hope to anyone facing personal struggles.
When Cooking Became a Source of Anxiety
Cooking wasn’t always a challenge for Otiti. Once a joyful expression of creativity, it became a battleground after a stress attack eight and a half years ago. The anxiety left her afraid to even step into the kitchen. In her won words:
“I want to share my testimony about something significant the Lord delivered me from during the 21-Day Fast in January. It has been eight and a half years since I last prepared my own food. I stopped cooking because I experienced a stress attack and intrusive thoughts. I was afraid to go into the kitchen. I couldn’t touch a knife or hold a plate without panicking. I would think that once I touched it, the knife or the plates would break in my hands, and I would get into an accident. I would be thinking, ‘You’re going to cut yourself; you’re going to harm yourself.’ And that fear kept me back. It made me sad because I enjoyed cooking back then.”
This fear robbed her of something she loved deeply, leaving her longing for the simple pleasure of preparing meals. The kitchen, once a haven, now symbolized her struggle and a place of torment.
Depression Approaching
Due to Otiti’s fear of entering the kitchen, she had to rely on her mother to cook and takeout. This dependency resulted in years of unhealthy eating habits and an addiction to comfort foods like hot chocolate, pizza, and excessive sugar. Although Otiti recognized that this lifestyle was unhealthy, she felt hopeless about achieving a healthier way of living. Her fear of being injured in the kitchen prevented her from limiting her intake of takeout and processed foods. Consequently, she began to feel depressed and sought a solution from God. She followed Hungry Generation Church online and listened to Pastor Vlad’s teachings to help her understand the Word of God and seek deliverance.
Breaking Chains During a 21-Day Fast
The turning point for Otiti occurred during a 21-day fast in January 2024. Although she had heard about fasting before, she had never attempted it. This time, fasting became more than just a spiritual practice; it became a path to healing for her. She began with a successful 3-day water fast, which motivated her to complete another 3-day water fast. By the end of the day, Otiti experienced her first breakthrough. She felt the Holy Spirit urging her to go into the kitchen to assist her mother, and she responded. To her surprise, she didn’t feel anxious; instead, she chose to help her mother prepare dinner. That simple act became monumental for her. She said:
“For the first time in years, I helped my mom chop vegetables. Doing that was like, oh, okay, I can be in the kitchen again and chop vegetables, which I’ve always found therapeutic.”
As she continued to pray and fast, she felt a stirring in her spirit. She increasingly realized that her bad eating habits needed to change. She turned her fears and struggles over to God. She described:
“One day, the Holy Spirit prompted me to pray. It was about my diet and I just felt like praying, Lord, any lust I have for cream, for sugar, for oil, that’s hindering my relationship with you, take it from me because I can’t do it by myself.”
A New Beginning in the Kitchen
As she had initially aimed for a complete 21-day water fast, her body required adjustments. By the second round of 3-day water fasting, she decided to switch to a Daniel fast and incorporate broth and vegetables. These small steps reintroduced her to the kitchen, and she began to reconnect with cooking. She explained:
“I had the thought, ‘Why not make your own meal? You’re eating vegetables now, and that’s pretty easy.’ At first, I panicked and thought, ‘I can’t cook!’ But I felt nudged by the Holy Spirit to give it a try. So, I did. I managed to prepare my first meal in eight and a half years, and I was amazed! I thought to myself, ‘This isn’t real; this isn’t me.’ But it truly is me!”
Hallelujah! The fear that had been tormenting her for more than 8 years had finally disappeared. She could not only step into the kitchen but also prepare her own meals and she loved it! The voices had been silenced at last, and she felt free, like a brand new person.
Transformation Beyond the Kitchen
The changes didn’t stop at rediscovering her passion for cooking. Otiti’s overall health improved, and her relationship with food changed dramatically. Additionally, the transformation was so profound that she no longer required supplements.
“I am incredibly grateful that God delivered me from my debilitating fear. It prevented me from discovering how much I enjoy vegetables. They taste great and provide me with a boost of energy! Now, I have so much more energy and can do many things. I’m no longer exhausted all the time, and I no longer need magnesium supplements to prevent cramping, which was something I relied on before.
She attributes all of these remarkable changes to the Holy Spirit.
“This positive change in my health happened because I listened to the Holy Spirit when He prompted me to give it a try. Today, instead of leaning on hot chocolate, bread, and pizza for comfort, I lean on the Holy Spirit,” she said, grateful for this newfound freedom.
What is more, her renewed confidence in the kitchen allowed her to bless her family. She doesn’t need to wait for her mother to cook for her or order takeout. According to her,
“Now I can cook for my family,” she said proudly with a big smile. “They’re like, ‘Hey, make us some of that stir-fry that you love so much.’”
A Message of Encouragement
Otiti’s journey is a testimony to the power of faith, fasting, and prayer. By leaning on God, she overcame the fears that had held her captive for years. She closed her testimony by saying:
“I just want to give God glory because he touched me and changed my life in ways I didn’t expect.”
Otiti’s story encourages us to confront our fears and trust in God’s ability to heal. Her testimony reminds us that transformation is possible, regardless of fear, anxiety, or limitation. If you’re facing great challenges, let this testimony remind you that deliverance and healing are possible, and God’s grace is sufficient to carry you through.
What’s your story of transformation? Share in the comments below.
Learn more about fasting here: Accelerate your spiritual life through fasting
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