The Sexual Revolution of the 1960s and 1970s was a period in the US where there was a widespread rejection of traditional morality and a disconnect from commitment or meaningful relationships.
Instead, premarital sex became normalized, marriage was increasingly viewed as optional, and pornography became more accessible and mainstream. Many people’s views on sex came from culture and pornography rather than the Bible.
However, this deviation is not a new pattern. When sin entered the world, it disrupted our relationship with God, our nature, and brought frustration into relationships and sexuality. In fact, during Jesus’ time, many pagan cultures had gods of sex, cult prostitution, and participated in the exploitation of young teens. However, the Christians were different. They worshipped Jesus instead of many gods, and their sexual ethics set them apart. Not all behaviors were accepted, and their beliefs affected their sexuality and biology.
How Culture Views Sex
- Culture focuses on sexual liberation, while Scripture establishes biblical boundaries.
- Culture prioritizes personal pleasure without purpose, focusing on gratification and separating sex from intimacy and procreation.
- Culture normalizes sexual sin—adultery, fornication, pornography, and even abuse are glamorized in media and entertainment.
- Culture distorts identity by linking self-worth to sexual experiences and preferences.
What Does the Bible Teach Us About Sex?
Sex was introduced in Genesis 1 and 2. The first command to humanity was to reproduce as the result of becoming “one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Within the Bible we see that it also establishes boundaries for sex and celebrates it (Leviticus 18 + 20, Song of Solomon).
In the book of Song of Solomon, we see that the story portrays love, intimacy, and marriage. In the book there is courtship, marriage, consummation, conflict, and reconciliation. And we see themes of restraint being encouraged before marriage and sex enjoyed after the wedding.
We also see how Solomon compares sex to a garden, a spring, and a fountain, and virginity is similar to a locked garden.
The Purpose of Sex
According to the Bible, sex serves multiple purposes: procreation, pleasure, protection, intimacy, and comfort. Procreation is how humanity continues (Genesis 1:28). However, more than just for survival, we see how pleasure is also evident throughout Scripture in Song of Solomon and Proverbs 5:18-19. We also see that Paul emphasizes how marriage helps prevent sexual immorality (1 Corinthians 7).
In in the Old Testament, we see that David comforted Bathsheba through intimacy (2 Samuel 12:24). In other words, a healthy marriage with intimacy serves as a guardrail against temptation—like being full after a good meal, reducing the temptation to seek junk food.
Boundaries for Sex
What is Not Okay for Sex
Sexual immorality refers to any sexual activity outside of marriage. The Greek word “porneia” (root of pornography) encompasses illicit sexual acts. We see that 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 forbids sexual immorality because it dishonors our relationship with the Trinity. Our bodies are sacred because they will be raised by the Father, we are one with Christ, and our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.
Therefore, it’s important to understand that acts like adultery, spouse swapping, threesomes, pornography, fornication, and rape are all considered sexual immorality. Additionally, sex should never be demanded or forced. In 1 Corinthians 7:1-5 we see the idea of mutual satisfaction, not coercion.
Husbands and wives should never use Scripture to justify forceful intimacy.
What is Okay for Sex
Now, it’s important to understand that while the Bible does not list specific approved acts in marriage, there are three guiding questions that can help us determine what is acceptable.
- Is it prohibited in the Bible? If not mentioned, it is likely permitted within marriage.
- Is it beneficial? Does it enhance intimacy or hinder closeness?
- Is there mutual consent? No act should be forced upon a spouse.
Remember that pornography should never dictate what happens in the marriage bed. Rather than adding intimacy to a marriage, it fosters perversion and lust. Sex should be about serving your spouse and deepening marital closeness, not reenacting lustful fantasies from pornography.
Final Thoughts
Remember that sex is a gift from God. It is not something to be worshipped, nor is it something gross or shameful. We should walk in sexual purity and enjoy physical intimacy for procreation, pleasure, intimacy, and comfort—within the covenant of marriage.
Read: A Covenant Marriage