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Moving From Secret Sin to the Secret Place
By Vlad Savchuk | August 31, 2023 | 4 minutes
Moving From Secret Sin to the Secret Place

In the Bible, the book of Joshua gives us two different stories—Rahab’s and Achan’s. These stories show how what we do in secret can really change our lives in public (Joshua 6:25; 7:1).

Rahab: A Life Changed for Good

Rahab lived in Jericho and wasn’t following God. She hid Israelite spies and lied to protect them (Joshua 2:5). Because of this brave act, her whole family was saved. She even got married to one of the spies, Salmon, and became part of Jesus’ family line (Matthew 1). Her one secret act of faith changed her life forever.

Achan: A Wrong Turn

Achan was an Israelite and should have known better. But he hid things God said not to take from Jericho (Joshua 7:21). This secret act led to his family and 36 soldiers losing their lives (Joshua 7:5, 25). One bad choice in secret had terrible results for him and others.

Everyone is hiding something! The question is not if you are hiding something, but what or who are you hiding. You can either be hiding sin or hosting the Holy Spirit.

A private struggle with sin is not the same as privately sinning.

David privately struggled and was attacked by a lion. If you are battling privately with thoughts of anxiety, discouragement, lust, family crisis, or you find yourself in a season with no peace, try to develop time in the Lord through prayer, the Word, worship, sermons, and Christian books.

Achan did not struggle with the forbidden items, nor did he did not confess his sins for help (Joshua 7: 10-12; 19-20). He did not confess; he got caught! That’s the difference between struggling and indulging.

How to Deal With Secret Sin

  1. Talk to someone you trust, like a pastor. Seek Godly counsel on the issue.
  2. Bring it into the light so it becomes a struggle, not a secret joy you justify.
  3. Confess to someone who will hold you accountable in faith. That can be your spouse, a pastor, or a mature believer. We do not confess to be forgiven, but rather to experience freedom, cleansing, and healing (James 5:16).

What you do in secret shapes your future. Are you praying, reading the Bible, and spending time with God? The Bible says that God rewards you based on what you do when no one looks (Matthew 6:6). So make your secret life rich with time spent with Him.

Putting God first brings rewards into your life (Matthew 6:33). These may not always be things you can touch or see right away, but they will show God’s goodness in your life.

Pressure and Presence

Although external pressures of life may be a good place to initiate a healthy devotional life, problems can’t be the only reason you go to the secret place. Instead of being pushed into it, you need an internal revelation so you naturally desire to go to the secret place.

Don’t just go to God when you’re in trouble; make it a daily habit. God wants to be your goal, not just a solution to your problems. That heart of ministry should be this: Jesus. He is why we live. To Moses, God was always the goal, and not a means to a goal. Ministry was always a means, but God is our goal.

The secret place is where you really get to know God. Sometimes you feel His presence, sometimes you don’t. But know this: He is always there. Keep your focus on Him, and your public life will be filled with His blessings.

Remember, the secret things we do can either ruin us or bring us closer to God. The choice is ours.