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How Satan Is Using Your Phone Against You
By Vlad Savchuk | March 10, 2025 | 4 minutes
How Satan Is Using Your Phone Against You

The first mobile phone was invented in 1973 by Martin Cooper, used mainly for emergencies and calling. However, what was created to be a tool has become a trap for many in our day and age. Today, our phones are central to our lives as they are tools used in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and even our faith.

Itโ€™s no surprise that social media companies use various platforms keep us hooked on them because of money. Here are a few ways the devil is using our phones against us and what we can do to help break out of this addiction.

Signs You Are Addicted to Your Phone

  1. Checking your phone first thing in the morning.
  2. Feeling anxious without it.
  3. Aimlessly scrolling for hours.
  4. Relationships suffering due to screen time.
  5. Seeking validation through likes and comments.
  6. Struggling to focus on prayer and Bible reading because of a desire to be/use the phone.
  7. Prioritizing entertainment over spiritual growth.
  8. Losing sleep due to late-night scrolling.
  9. Texting and driving.
  10. Using your phone during church.

Now, I believe that itโ€™s important to note that not all use of the phone or media is bad. In fact, as someone with an online ministry, I believe in the good use of media. However, this doesnโ€™t mean I havenโ€™t also had to make significant adjustments, especially after my son was born.

How the Phone Steals Your Attention and Growth

1. There is a Digital War for Your Soul

I want to start off by saying that if Satan cannot make you sin, he will distract you. Today, social media creates the same pattern. You plan to pray, but you check your phone first. You want to read the Bible but end up scrolling.

Luke 11:34 states, โ€œThe eye is the lamp of the body.โ€ If the devil has your eyes, he has your mind. Phones train us to be passive, distracted, and emotionally reactive, making us more susceptible to manipulation. Just like Sanballat in Nehemiah 6:3, distractions keep us from completing Godโ€™s work.

How Satan Uses Your Phone to Weaken Your Spiritual Life

  • Disrupts prayer life
  • Kills bible reading
  • Weakens fellowship
  • Steals time meant for God

2. How Satan Uses Your Phone to Make You Fall into Sin

The enemy doesnโ€™t need to tempt you with obvious sin if he can keep you spiritually weak, distracted, and bound in secret struggles. Among these are:

  • Pornography and Lust โ€“ Statistics show that 68% of Christian men and 33% of Christian women admit to watching porn regularly. Phones often make this temptation easily accessible.
  • Gossip and Slander โ€“ Proverbs 11:8 warns us as believers to stay away from the sin of gossip.
  • Envy through Comparison โ€“ We see in Exodus 20:17 that it forbids us from coveting what others have. This is often fueled with the use of social media.
  • Wasting Time on Useless Content โ€“ The Bible also tells us in Ephesians 5:16 to redeem our time because the days are evil.

3. Technology is Designed to Be Addictive

Social media apps are designed to consume as much of your time and attention as possible and itโ€™s important that as believers, we are aware of this. In 1 Corinthians 6:12 we are told to, โ€œnot be mastered by anything.โ€ We must ensure that we have dominion over our technology and not allow it to have dominion over us.

How to Break Free and Use Your Phone Wisely

Although social media can be a tool harnessed for good, it can often be a trap that causes us to lose time and delay our growth in various areas of our lives. If you feel convicted or are desiring to break-free, here are a few tips that can help.

  1. Digital Detox โ€“ Fast from your phone. Try a 24-hour phone fast or a 30-day digital reset.
  2. Start Your Day Without Your Phone โ€“ Psalm 5:3 says, โ€œIn the morning, Lord, You will hear my voice.โ€ Prioritize prayer and Bible reading first.
  3. Set Screen Time Limits โ€“ Delete apps that waste time and lead to sin. A good tip is to remove notifications from appearing on your screen.
  4. Prioritize Real-Life Worship and Relationships โ€“ Replace online distractions with real relationships and godly disciplines. Create times designated to no phone like at meals, bedtime, and church.
  5. Make Social Media Purposeful โ€“ Make sure you donโ€™t just use it when youโ€™re bored. Use it for ministry, encouragement, and wisdom, not mindless scrolling.

Read: When God Develops You in The Dark

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