From Being in a Coma with 90% Brain Damage to Completely Healed
In a world filled with uncertainty, stories of victory and hope show the profound impact that faith in God can have on our lives. This is the story of Nico, a man from Germany who miraculously awakened from a coma and overcame 90% brain damage. After his recovery, he faced spiritual challenges that ultimately led him to develop a personal relationship with God.
The Quest for Truth
As a teenager, Nico wrestled with life’s big questions, from what career to pursue to whether God is real. Nico felt that if God wasn’t real, then morality was simply a construct—something invented by society without any real foundation. But if God did exist, then everything had a deeper meaning, including right and wrong. In his words:
“My story began when I was a teenager. I wondered what job I should do and questioned the morality of illegal things, which led me to ask if God was real. If God isn’t real, then morality is just a lie. If He is real, then morality exists.”
Nico turned to science. He thought about the beginning of everything. He recalls:
To find answers, I thought about the beginning of everything, the Big Bang. I concluded that the only reasonable explanation for the Big Bang is the existence of God.
This thought process wasn’t just academic but a search for something real. He wasn’t content with empty philosophies. He wanted to know if God was truly out there and, if so, how that changed everything. So, Nico did what many skeptics should do when they are serious about finding the truth: he went to the source, Jesus Christ Himself. He says:
“I prayed that I want to follow Jesus to find out the truth.”
A Life-Altering Incident
In 2011, 20-year-old Nico’s life took a sudden and dramatic turn. One evening, he went out in a bar, completely unaware that the night would end in a violent attack that would change his life forever. In a flash, Nico found himself caught in the middle of a brutal altercation. He was kicked in the head and became unconscious, smashing his skull against the ground. The police later informed him that the perpetrator had a history of violent attacks.
“I went out for a drink and saw two people fighting. I tried to save one, but the other person attacked me, kicked me on my head, and I fell down dead. The emergency services came and revived me with CPR and took me to the hospital.”

A Divine Encounter
The aftermath of the attack was severe. Nico was rushed to the hospital, where he was placed in a coma after suffering massive head injuries. Later, he learned that his body had failed multiple times, and doctors had to resuscitate him.
Due to the severity of the traumatic brain injury, he had to undergo multiple surgeries. He had a fracture of the base of his skull and swelling of the brain. He had the top of his scull removed and put back in weeks later.
However, Nico’s head injuries were so severe that the doctors didn’t expect him to survive, let alone wake up from his coma with any semblance of normalcy. But something extraordinary was about to happen. God had not yet given up on him.
While Nico lay unconscious in a coma, something beyond the physical world was unfolding. He remembers seeing himself in the same hospital room but in a different realm, darker than ours. But even within that darkness, there was something more. He soon saw what he would later come to believe was heaven itself.
“During my coma, I had vivid memories of a strange world, a replica of ours but darker,” Nico describes. “I found an entrance to a dark place, and beyond it, I believe, I discovered heaven.”
What Nico saw in heaven was beyond description.
“I walked towards the balcony in my room, and outside was a beautiful green field, a green forest, and two mountains with a bright sun in between. The light was so bright I couldn’t look directly at it. The air felt heavy, like liquid, full of energy. I took a deep breath and felt more alive than ever.”
Nico recalls feeling an overwhelming sense of peace and vitality. It was a feeling he had never experienced before. Despite the beauty and peace, Nico knew he couldn’t stay. An intuition told him that if he crossed a certain line, it would be the end of his earthly life. So, he made the difficult decision to return. In his own words:
“I wanted to explore, but I knew if I went further, the opening behind me would close, and my body would die. So, I thought about what I could change in my life before passing over to the spiritual realm. I took a deep breath and immediately came back.”
Emerging from the Coma
What happened next defied medical explanation. Nico woke up from his coma and found himself back in his hospital room. The doctors were astonished, and the nurses couldn’t believe their eyes.
“I woke up from my coma three days after my accident. Despite my brain being around 90% damaged, I woke up with my brain completely restored.”
Despite the doctors’ initial fears of permanent brain damage, Nico experienced a miraculous recovery. His healing and treatment progressed exceptionally well, and today, Nico’s improvement is remarkable. There are no lasting effects from the trauma—no impairments or cognitive decline. His brain has completely healed.

It is clear to Nico that his survival was no accident. His life had been spared, and he knew God had a purpose for him.
Spiritual Warfare and Breakthrough
Despite Nico’s miraculous recovery, he had yet to fully surrender his life to God. While he believed in God’s existence, he lacked a personal relationship with Him. After his extraordinary recovery, Nico encountered a new challenge—this time, a spiritual one.
“Years later, I faced a heavy demonic attack. I didn’t know why, but I remembered something from the Bible: Jesus said that in His name, we can expel demons.”
So Nico decided to command the darkness to leave in the name of Jesus. He says:
“I tried it, and it worked. The attack, which lasted a whole week, ended in just one night.”
The relief was instantaneous and the spiritual attack ended as quickly as it had come. However, not all battles were won so easily. Sometime later, he faced another attack, but this time, it didn’t end as quickly, according to Nico.
This time he felt something really dark had entered his life. As the spiritual attacks at night intensified, Nico felt as though a spirit of death was lurking in his room. Struggling to understand what was happening, he remembered that someone had given him a sofa right before these attacks began. He recalls:
“This particular sofa had belonged to someone who had committed suicide, and their relative had passed it on to me. I felt a strong conviction that I needed to get rid of the sofa, so I immediately tried to drag it out of my apartment.”
To his surprise, the sofa felt extremely heavy, as if it was resisting him and didn’t want to move. No matter how hard Nico tried, he couldn’t budge it.
Determined to rid himself of the item, he decided to break it into pieces and place them outside his apartment building. After doing so, he went back upstairs and felt an urge to look out of his window. To Nico’s amazement, the sofa had disappeared.
“It was impossible. Where did the sofa go? No one could have cleaned up the broken furniture scraps from the sidewalk that quickly. I had placed the broken pieces outside, and when I went upstairs to look out the window and ensure they weren’t obstructing the sidewalk, the sofa had completely vanished. There were no vehicles or people nearby who could have taken it.”
This experience made him increasingly suspicious. Could the sofa be the reason for his overwhelming feelings of depression and his sense of not being himself? Once more, Nico remembered his experience at the hospital. The spirit world was real, and the sofa proved that supernatural things were happening in his apartment.
A New Understanding of Faith and Science
Amid his spiritual battles, Nico stumbled upon something that would challenge his skepticism once more. One evening, while browsing YouTube, Nico received a notification for a video from a channel he had never seen before. He was intrigued:
“I got a notification on my YouTube account for some videos I didn’t even know existed— Christian videos that offered scientific proof of God. I watched them and found it so amazing. It was mind-blowing! Science, in every way, has actually proved God, and no one tells you about these things. Where are the school classes that teach the truth about science?
This discovery opened him up to a new perspective and a solution to his problems that he had never encountered before.
“Once I got it, I started laughing out loud. I was really laughing for hours. It became so obvious to me. I realized the solution to my problems began with my journey in Christ!” Nico reflects. “I began to see how faith and science weren’t opposed to each other but complement one another.”
Nico believes that accidentally finding Christian videos on YouTube was God’s plan. Prior to this, he had never searched for any Christian content. However, those videos appeared at just the right moment, serving as a sign to him that God was involved in his life and that Jesus was the solution to his problems.
The Holy Spirit’s Presence
After that, Nico and his wife, Katharina, began to learn more about Christianity. They discovered the teachings of Pastor Vlad and downloaded Pastor Vlad’s books, which have helped them in their faith journey. Nico says:
“I found Pastor Vlad’s channel, and my wife and I started watching it. I saw all the links shared under one of your videos; and I discovered several of your books, including “Host the Holy Ghost,” which I downloaded and read.
Although I’ve known about the Holy Ghost for a long time, I’ve only truly started to understand His presence in my life recently. I realize now that He was always with me, even though I didn’t recognize it before.”
A Life Transformed
Today, Nico and Katharina know that their lives have been forever changed by their faith in Jesus. When asked if she wanted to add anything to her husband’s testimony, Katharina said:
“This testimony is real. Nico preached the gospel to me, and now I am saved in Jesus’ mighty name. Thank you, Pastor Vlad—we watch your videos in Germany.”
Nico finishes his testimony by encouraging anyone who is searching for truth. He says:
“God adopted me, but I gave my life anyway to Jesus that time and I’m willing to complete the path of Jesus. You know how it says: “Only the truth makes you free. And the truth is Jesus Christ. What are you waiting for? If you are seeking answers, know that God is waiting to reveal Himself to you,”
For Nico, it all started with a simple prayer—a prayer to seek truth. But what he found along the way was far more than he could have imagined: the living God, a miraculous healing, and the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit.
Has Nico’s impactful story of healing and deliverance inspired you? If so, please share this testimony and leave a comment below.
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