Deliverance is an eye-catching topic. Maybe you’ve stumbled across this blog because you are experiencing torment, bad habits you can’t kick, depression and anxiety, or are struggling in life in general. Whatever it may be, Jesus wants you free, and you can experience this freedom today.
Many times deliverance is something most believers need to undergo in order to walk in the full freedom Christ died to give us.

What Can Prevent Your Deliverance?
Deliverance cannot happen if we have doors we have opened willingly to the devil. When we choose to partake in sin, we allow demons to get inside of us; which requires them to then be cast out.
Follow These Steps If You’re Seeking Self-Deliverance:
1. Recognize: Half of the battle is admitting you need deliverance. When we recognize this, the Holy Spirit is able to aid us in deliverance.
2. Repentance: Seek the Lord and let Him reveal anything hidden that needs to be brought before Him. True repentance is turning completely away from sin. It means true brokenness; not just confessing, but coming to Him with a contrite heart. Always run to the cross. Render your heart not your garments just as the Word says. Notice, this act doesn’t earn forgiveness, but it tells the devil, “I don’t want this”.
3. Renounce: Verbally confess any known sin and break any connection to the occult. Throw away any and all occult paraphernalia. Begin by stating, “I renounce…”.
4. Release yourself: Release yourself from the bondage the devil had you in by declaring it. Say, “I release myself from pornography, from the spirit of heaviness.” etc.
5. Resist the enemy: After you release yourself, satan goes from being on the inside to going on the outside. These demons don’t just disappear after deliverance. They, or similar demons, are on the outside and will try and get on the inside once more by sending temptations your way. Now you need to resist and the devil will flee (James 4:7).
6. Replace: If you make the Holy Spirit the Lord of your life, you’ll experience freedom. If you begin to fill your mind with the Scripture, you’ll walk in dominion. It’s important to realize, deliverance will not fix your flesh, but it will build your Spirit so you can fight your flesh.
7. Renew your mind in your new identity in Christ: 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “If you are in Christ, you’re a new creation.” Freedom comes when you renew your mind with the Word of God. If you want to change your life, you have to renew your mind with the Word. Learn to catch the bad thoughts, assist the good thoughts, and replace every lie with the truth from Scripture. If you want to experience self-deliverance you have to learn to walk in the renewal of your mind.
Blog: 7 Steps to Renew Your Mind
8. Remain rooted in a local church/small group: Lastly, satan hunts lone wolves. The moment you get delivered, get grounded. If you want to walk in your destiny, it’s God’s will for you to be part of a local church. Go to church to serve, to give, to love on somebody. And remember, Jesus is building a body, He’s not just building you. Get involved.
Your Deliverance Is God’s Desire
God’s desire for your life is your complete deliverance. Jesus said, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (John 8:31-32). It is knowing the truth that makes us free. Continue pursuing Christ and feeding yourself on the Holy Scriptures to experience the freedom God wants you to have.