We believe in the promise of divine healing and strive to live according to the principles of divine health. Why then do some who had great faith never get healed? What do we do when we believed, fasted, rebuked and claimed healing, but the person still died? Here are ten thoughts to bring clarity for those facing this time.
Read: Inner Healing and Deliverance
1. Our faith is not in healing but in JESUS.
When Apostle Paul was suffering, he said I have no cause for shame because “I KNOW WHOM I HAVE BELIEVED” (Ref. 2 Timothy 1:12). It’s good to know WHAT we believe in, but it’s better to know WHO we believe in. Healing can fail, the HEALER never fails.
2. Faith is not just to get a miracle, but to see us through messy situations.
The best example of this is seen in three Hebrew boys who were faced with the furnace, and they said “Our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. BUT IF NOT, LET IT BE KNOWN TO YOU, O KING THAT WE DO NOT SERVE YOUR GODS.” Daniel 3:17-18. Three Hebrew boys knew that God is the great deliverer but they also knew what they would have done, even if God did not deliver them. They will not bow down to idols and worship! other gods. In the book of Hebrews, chapter 11 has a lot of great examples of what faith is able to do: bring miracles, healing, and victory, but it also shows that even if things don’t work out as we planned, our faith is able to help us get through those unexplainable situations.
3. While I can’t control my situation, I am responsible for what is happening in my spirit.
“I pray that you prosper and be in good health as your soul prospers.” 3 John 1:2. It is important to not allow sickness in the body to become sickness in the mind. Our emotional and mental states should be effected b! y the word of God, not by circumstances. It is not easy, but it is possible. Titanic did not sink because there was too much water in the ocean, but because that water got inside of Titanic. Faith is not ignoring your reality, and it is not allowing your reality to flood your mind.
4. Having hope in heaven helps my faith for earth.
“Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.” Matthew 5:12. Our response to trials and tribulations on the earth should be hopeful expectation of kingdom of heaven. This is not to escape our responsibility to have dominion and authority, but to remember we are just passing through, and our true citizenship is in heaven. We don’t just rejoice in the coming breakthrough, but also in the coming resurrection of our bodies. As great as healings, deliverances, and breakthroughs are, they do not compare to our eternal salvation. That is why Jesus told His disciples to anchor their joy in their salvation, and NOT in successful exorcism. (Ref. Luke 10:20).
5. During the storm, bend so that you don’t break.
Palm trees during the storm bend and therefore they withstand the storm and don’t break. “At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship.” Job 1:20. We tend to seek an explanation instead of mercy from God. The blind man cried out for Jesus to have! mercy on him. There is nothing wrong about asking for “WHY” as long as it does not come before, or in the way of, our “WORSHIP.”
6. Sometimes problems are just part of life, don’t look for a cause.
Jesus who knew the principles of spiritual world more than any exorcist or healing evangelist, and He said. “Rain falls on evil and the good” Mt.5:45; “Storm came on the house on the rock and the house on the sand” Mt.7:24-27. Disciples asked Jesus why one man was blind and Jesus did not mention any sins, or demonic influence. It is true that we live in a broken world. It is also true that sin and demons are behind many of the afflictions in the world. But we are not told by God to look for sin in our past that is responsible for the crisis in our present. We are commanded to seeking God, and he promises that you will find what you seek. If you seek sin, you will find it. If you seek God you will find God. If God reveals something that we need to deal with, of course we need to deal with it. Otherwise, we focus on Him and avoid toxic people whose goal is to bring guilt trips into our life. Those are the pointless friends of Job. They are not good.
Read: 10 Ways to Receive Healing
7. Our pain is not our best indicator of what God thinks of us.
When John the Baptist was in prison, and Jesus, who was His cousin, did not visit him or break him out of that prison. John felt alone, abandoned and a bit doubtful. But Jesus spoke very highly of this man, (Ref. Mt.11:11) though his circumstances never changed, and Jesus never brought any breakthrough to John. If you want to know if God loves you, do not look at your feelings, look at the scars in His hands. (Ref. Isaiah 49:16).
8. Do not let pain stop your purpose.
The first healing in the Bible happened when Abraham prayed for Abimelech while his own wife was barren. (Ref. Gen.20:17). Jesus healed someone on the way to the cross. Jesus led someone to salvation while hanging on the cross. Our physical pain should not be an excuse to stop serving others completely. Apostle Paul wrote the NT in jail.
9. When you do not know what to do any more, LOOK TO GOD!
Prayer of Jehosaphat when facing large army was, we don’t have power against this great army, and we do not know what to do but our EYES ARE ON YOU. (Ref. 2 Chron.20:12). By looking to God we find healing and strength. Sometimes we get so desperate, and we search for something new to do to get that breakthrough. If we are not careful, we might end up hooking up with Hagar in our attempt to speed God up. Do not allow desperation to move you to something outside of rest and faith in God.
10. Change your confession from “I am sick, trying to get healthy” to “I am healthy, fighting sickness”. Our confession matters. Scripture tells us to not say what we feel or see but what we believe. Let the weak say I am strong. (Ref. Joel 3:10). It might seem small thing, but it changes your mental position in regard to sickness or problems in your life. It gives you liberty to throw everything at this problem, whether it’s medicine, counseling, natural means – knowing that God is with you!
God is good. He is always for us. We may feel like it’s not fair what is happening to us, we did not deserve this. Why do bad things happen to good people? I like what R.C. Sproul said, “Why do bad things happen to good people. It happened once, and He volunteered.”