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Building Holy Habits
By Vlad Savchuk | March 2, 2023 | 6 minutes
Building Holy Habits

Many of us are dealing with demons that didn’t start with us but with our parents, grandparents, and other ancestors. In fact, many of us are dealing with inclinations, attitudes, and problems that are generational.

God deals with generational curses by disconnecting you from your family tree and connecting you to the destiny of His house. In the same manner, God wants to disconnect us from the evil in our past and connect us to the good things that happen in His house, where He wants us to dwell.

A dwelling is different from a place you might visit occasionally.

One thing I have desired of the LORD, that will I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple.

Psalm 27:4

Take note of what David said, “This one thing I seek.” You would think that would be to be in God’s presence or Word. But it says that David desired to dwell in God’s house.

Then, David says when he gets to God’s house, he wants to behold the beauty of God. King David said his one desire was to be planted in God’s house and see His glory.

When you go to the house of God and worship begins, I encourage you to behold God’s beauty, not just the lyrics on the screen or how somebody else is worshiping.

1. Spend time with Jesus

Unlike King David, Martha was not in war, she was in worry. Jesus was teaching His disciples in the living room, while Martha was in the kitchen and things were not working out. Martha had it better than David because she had Jesus in her house. When you are a Christian, you have Jesus living in your heart, which is His house.

But one thing is needed, and Mary has chosen that good part, which will not be taken away from her.

Luke 10:42

Many Christians around the world live with depression, and anxiety, and are on medication while they have Jesus in their own houses. How can this be? Jesus told Martha the answer. Her problem was not demons, spells or witchcraft, or Jesus because Martha came blaming Jesus that Mary wasn’t helping her. David’s one thing was to be in God’s house. Martha’s one thing wasn’t to get Jesus into her house but to spend time with Jesus, at His feet, and listen to His Word.

Jesus said one thing is needed and Mary has chosen this one thing. This means spending quality time with Jesus every day is not something that comes upon you, you have to choose it. Make time for it. You can choose to do that. Start today and in a few months, you will experience victory in those areas you struggled with.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.

Philippians 4:6

Paul’s antidote for anxiety is to tell God what you are worried about. Tell God what is on your mind, and He will give you His peace and begin speaking to you.

2. Make a Decision to be at Jesus’ Feet and Listen to His Word.

If you have given up on your devotional life, start it again. Jesus’ antidote for being overwhelmed in life is developing a devotional life (Matthew 6:33). I wonder what would happen to our intimacy with God if we would give Him our undivided attention and affection for just 15 minutes a day? Some might say they want to spend at least an hour with God but the question is how much time do you actually spend with God?

3. Decide to go to Church to Pray Once a Week.

David did not just pray at home, in his palace but he said his desire was to inquire in the house of God. Begin to do that, even if it is just once a week.

4. Develop a Holy Habit of Memorizing Scriptures This Year.

Your mental clarity and emotional state will change.

Final Thoughts

As Christians, we have a place in Heaven. To have treasures in Heaven depends on what we did with what we had here.

Now as He was going out on the road, one came running, knelt before Him, and asked Him, “Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? … Then Jesus, looking at Him, loved him, and said to him, “One thing you lack: Go your way, sell whatever you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, take up the cross, and follow Me.

Mark 10:17,21

The rich young ruler went home sad because generosity is the only thing that brings us joy – lack of generosity brings sadness. I don’t disagree that the man had a lot of things but I believe his things actually had him.

God does not have a problem with you having possessions but when the possessions start having you. When a possession starts having you, it has become an idol. The only competition for your heart is between Jesus and mammon.

Sacrifice is giving what costs you, it is not convenient and usually, it is painful. Sacrifice is not measured by what we give, but rather by what we have left. Give your treasure to God, not just your tithe.

One thing I desire – is to dwell in the house of the Lord. One thing I need – is to spend time at the feet of Jesus and one thing I lack – is to live sacrificially when God guides me or presents an opportunity.