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Eight Prayers You Should Pray Often
By Vlad Savchuk | May 6, 2024 | 4 minutes
Eight Prayers You Should Pray Often

Not every prayer that is made has the same effect. When King Solomon prayed for an understanding heart to discern justice, God was pleased and granted him more than what he asked for. This shows that some prayers please God more than others.

So, how can we pray in such a way that not only pleases God but also delights the Holy Spirit? Here are eight prayers inspired by scripture that I find myself praying regularly and I know will be a blessing in your life.

8 Pleasing Prayers to God

1. Prayer for Mercy

“Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me” (Luke 18:38).

This prayer pleases the Lord as it shows our recognition of His mercy and our dependence on Him.

Appealing to His mercy reminds me of when Esther went to the palace of the King. Although the king was her husband, she still depended on the scepter of his mercy. Similarly, while God is our Father, He is still the Creator of the universe and we are dependent on Him.

2. Prayer of Humility

“Make me like one of your hired servants” (Luke 15:19).

This prayer was prayed by the prodigal son upon his return. When we first left, he petitioned His father to give him “stuff” but when he returned, he petitioned his father to “make him into…” Rather than focusing on getting stuff from God, we should be focused on asking God to transform us. This posture pleases the Lord.

3. Prayer for Wisdom

“Give me an understanding heart…that I may discern between good and evil…” (1 Kings 3:9).

This prayer is important to pray when we feel unqualified or overwhelmed by the circumstances of life. If you are stepping into a new season, pray this prayer often. “Lord, give me an understanding heart. Help me to understand.”

4. Prayer for a Pure Heart

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalms 51:10).

Now, David prayed this repentance prayer after his sin with Bathsheba, but you don’t have to have fallen into sin to say this prayer. Instead, you can use this prayer in a preventive way so you don’t fall into those sins.

5. Prayer to Hear God

“Speak, for Your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:1-11).

This prayer invites God to speak into our lives, whether through dreams, visions, or other means. I encourage you to say this prayer as you go to bed or throughout your day, inviting God to guide you in different moments of your day.

6. Prayer for Salvation

“Lord, save me” (Matthew 14:30).

This simple but powerful prayer was prayed by Peter when he was drowning and needed Jesus’ immediate help.

Jesus gave him the green light to walk on water but Peter got distracted. He started drowning and cried out to the Lord simply saying, “Save me, Lord.” In the same manner, sometimes it’s not the length of our words that is powerful, but the desperation and sincerity in our heart’s cry that pleases the Lord.

7. Prayer of Surrender

“Father…not My will, but Yours, be done” (Luke 22:42).

The Holy Spirit loves to hear this kind surrendered heart in prayer. When you are at the crossroad between what you want and you perceive God desires, surrendering your own desires for His allows God to release angels on your behalf. He releases supernatural help to get you go through difficult seasons.

Remember, after the seed falls on the ground and dies, it doesn’t remain a seed anymore, it becomes a tree and eventually a forest. 

8. Prayer of Forgiveness

“Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34).

This prayer is about releasing unforgiveness and asking God to forgive others who have wronged us.

When you’ve been wronged or taken advantage of, this can be especially difficult to do, but we are still commanded to release that resentment and forgive just as we have been forgiven.

Final Thoughts

There are many prayers found within Scripture that can give you an insight into how to have the right heart posture as you come before the Lord. I’d love to hear some of your favorites verses to pray from, below. I pray these are a blessing in your walk with the Lord.

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