
How to Regain Your Spiritual Edge

By Vladimir Savchuk | October 14, 2024 | 6 mins

How to Regain Your Spiritual Edge

Having a spiritual edge is essential to build something for God. You can build for yourself or your name without it, but if you want to build for God, you must have an edge. In the story of Elisha, when his servant lost the borrowed iron axe head in the water, he couldn’t continue his work. Elisha asked, “Where did it fall?” and performed a miracle to make the iron float so that the servant could finish his task (2 Kings 6:5-7).

Just like using an axe to chop down a tree, you won’t be effective without a sharp blade. There are many people today who have lost their spiritual edge. However, the good news is that if you’ve lost your edge, you can always get it back.

Spiritually Passive People Do Not Get Blessed by God With Spiritual Breakthrough

If you’ve lost your spiritual edge, it might be due to trauma, drama, or difficult life experiences. Look at David’s wife, Michal. She experienced a lot—her husband left, she was given to another man, her father died, and most of her brothers were killed. When David brought her back, she was passive and hurt. When she saw David dancing before the Ark of God, she mocked him instead of joining him in worship. Because of her passive attitude, the Bible says she remained barren for the rest of her life.

Spiritually passive people do not receive God’s blessings for spiritual breakthroughs. If you lose your edge, you will lose your ability to advance. You won’t have the strength to conquer what’s promised to you. You have to get your edge back.

How to Get Your Edge Back

1. Forgive and Focus on Jesus

Maybe you’ve lost your fire for God due to difficult past experiences. Perhaps you have been around ministry, seen the politics, and dealt with the drama. Or maybe you’ve seen too many fake Christians and felt rejected by those who should have shown love. Whatever the case, it’s evident that these experiences can drain your spiritual life. However, I want to encourage you to not let the trauma, drama, and fake people cause you to lose your edge.

David had bad experiences too, but he was still on fire for God. Despite his pain, he continued to worship and seek God. In fact, we see that his Psalms reflect a deep longing and passion for God that remained strong through all his trials. If you’ve lost your edge, you can get it back by forgiving those who hurt you and focusing on Jesus.

2. Pray and Fast

Staying on fire for God requires intentionality, just like sharpening an axe. One of the best ways to stay sharp is through prayer and fasting. Jesus said in Mark 2:20, “But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast in those days.”

In fact, the early church fasted regularly because they longed for their Savior, and that hunger kept their spiritual edge sharp. If you sense that your passion has faded or that you’re not as sensitive to the presence of God, Jesus made it clear: “Then they will fast.” There are no secrets here—it’s all about the secret place: prayer, fasting, and giving. That is the secret to sharpening your edge.

3. Remember, Repent, Repeat

Lastly, we see that the Bible says in Revelation 2:5, “Remember from where you have fallen; repent and do the first works.” Just like in the story of Elisha, when he asked, “Where did it fall?” it’s important for each of us to identify where we lost our edge. Once we have, we then must remember where we have fallen, repent, and repeat the first works we used to do.

You can’t chase the same feelings you had at the beginning, but you can do the same things you did at first. Your feelings might not come back right away, but decisions drive feelings. So, remember, repent, and repeat the first works to get your spiritual edge back.

Final Thoughts

I encourage you to take some time to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting. This will rekindle the fire of God in your heart once more. Ask God to help you, restore you, and repent for how you contributed to becoming spiritually dry.

Read: 4 Things That Kill the Fire for God

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