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Don’t Feed on Drama
By Vlad Savchuk | February 26, 2024 | 5 minutes
Don’t Feed on Drama

Have you ever walked with a cup of water that is filled to the brim? Notice how your walk changes based on the measure that the cup is filled to? In a similar way, when your life becomes full of the Holy Spirit, you’ll begin to walk more carefully and more focused on God.

As Christians, we need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to live a successful walk that is pleasing to the Lord. A careless walk, or the involvement in carnal things-drama, fighting with people, feeding on garbage, loving toxicity, gossip, and backbiting-will cause you to spill or leak the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

The Difference Between the Raven and the Dove

Our behavior can be similar to that of a raven or to a dove. In the Bible, when Noah and his family were on the ark, Noah released both a raven and a dove to see if the water was still present. The raven represents an unclean, promiscuous, predatory scavenger, who dwells in rot and decay. The dove represents a clean, monogamous, and gentle bird, who eats greens and dwells among life.

If you prefer a diet on gossip, drama, belittling others, you are feeding the raven inside of you, instead of the dove. This kind of diet is dangerous, deadly, vulgar, immoral, and one that grieves the Holy Spirit.

Key Points to Understand

1. Revivals Cause Smoke

Whenever the Holy Spirit moves in our lives, we will attract, but NOT create drama. When you become radically saved by God, there will be controversy around you by those who are close (Matthew 1:19, Matthew 11:19). It’s similar to what smoke attracts. Revival fire causes smoke, which oftentimes causes controversy, misunderstandings, and rumors to start about you. However, trying to remove yourself from every controversy, drama, or persecution, will cause you to feed on the drama and leak the anointing.

Don’t allow the enemy to drain and distract you spiritually, preventing you from increasing your fire for God.

2. Don’t Criticize What God is Doing

In your generation, God will do things that you will not understand. Stay humble before God; don’t criticize what you don’t understand.

One thing to always ask yourself is: Does it support the Scripture, or is it contrary to it? Oftentimes you will find that following the Bible and things of God will be controversial in the eyes of the world and even in some denominations within the church. A lot of churches these days still feel that deliverance is anti-biblical, but it was a big part of Jesus’ ministry.

3. When Insults are Personal, Take it to Prayer NOT to Social Media

The Assyrian king fought King Hezekiah verbally, not physically (Isaiah 36:21). When we are personally attacked, we need to take a few days in prayer to see if our personal agenda and ego got hurt, or if His purpose was affected. Do not deal with personal attacks on social media because your pride will be speaking, instead of the Holy Spirit! The enemy steals your opportunity to pray when you get caught up in the whirlwind of ongoing battles of drama.

4. Hold Your Peace by Keeping Your Mouth Shut

If the price for winning an argument is losing your peace, it is too high of a price (Isaiah 36:21). If the Lord is not in something, you will lose peace.

If the enemy cannot destroy you, he will try to drain you! God didn’t anoint you to win arguments, but to win people for Him. Don’t be a garbage can to everyone’s problems; instead, be the temple of the Holy Spirit that God wants you to be.

5. Protect Your Pregnancy

When you are pregnant, you should be protecting what’s inside you (Isaiah 37:3). When you are birthing something, you must be careful not to get involved in battles that may be harmful to what is conceived. When you are pregnant with a destiny, sometimes you must simply walk away. We need to realize that our true battle is not against our brothers and sisters in Christ, but against Satan, demons, and the kingdom of hell (Eph 6:12). As believers, we are supposed to be on the same team—God’s team.

David inquired of the reward for his battle with Goliath before stepping into battle to ensure that the victory was worth it! You can’t kill Goliaths and fight with your brothers at the same time; you can’t cast out demons and fight people at the same time (Eph 6:12). When you do, you’ll leak the anointing and not have any when it is time to fight the real problem. 

In Conclusion

The less you are filled with the Holy Spirit, the less you will be focused on spiritual things. Toxic people need drama like people need oxygen. Learn to walk away from them and shut the drama down. Refuse to open your mind to other people’s trash. Tune out what promotes drama, negativity, division, confusion, blasphemy.

Be like Nehemiah, stay focused on God, do your work for God, and don’t be distracted over drama (Nehemiah 6:3). Don’t feed on drama or pay too much attention to those who criticize you and misunderstand them. Love them from a distance, pray from them, but stay focused on your fire, your assignment and your calling in Jesus’ name.