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Orphanage Care in Myanmar
By Site Admin | September 29, 2024 | 1 minutes
Orphanage Care in Myanmar

Your donations have been supporting an orphanage in Yangon, Myanmar, and surrounding small villages, offering crucial aid to children and families affected by high inflation and poverty. Over 200 families received rice, oil, and basic necessities, including families who had been unable to afford food due to the economic crisis. The orphanage, which had run out of food, was replenished with essential supplies, and lunch boxes were provided for the children to take to school, ensuring they are nourished and cared for during difficult times.

In addition to food relief, your contributions helped fund a new pressure washer, greatly improving the safety and hygiene of the orphanage. The rainy climate had caused mold and slime buildup in the courtyard, creating unsafe conditions for the children. With the pressure washer, the orphanage can now easily maintain a clean environment where the children can safely play and enjoy soccer in the freshly cleared courtyard. Your generosity continues to make a lasting impact, being the hands and feet of Jesus in this community.

Images from Orphanage Care in Myanmar Project