Did You Know This About the Bible?
The Bible is continuously the best-selling book in history. Why? What makes it so different than any other book ever written? It’s important to understand that many people have tried to destroy this book because this Book has power. I have crafted an e-course that goes into the depths of answering this question from a variety of angles.
The Best Course to Learn About Scripture
First off, it describes the details of how we got the Bible and what the Apocrypha is.
Additionally, this E-Course delves into why the Catholic Bible has more books than the Protestant Bible, as well as describing and explaining many of the symbols of the Bible.
Apart from it’s history, in the E-Course I take time to explain the purpose of the Word of God and how each of us can receive a daily word from God, as well as the main difference between Rhema and Logos.
As you go through this E-Course you will become significantly more equipped to navigate the Bible that you have and will be confident to study the Word of God for yourself.
I believe that every Christian should be equipped with how to study the Word of God because the Word of God is the sword of the Spirit.
If you’re interested in this free E-Course, click on the link and enroll in The Bible E-Course.
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