
How to Dominate in a Spiritual Battle

By Vladimir Savchuk | October 21, 2024 | 5 mins

How to Dominate in a Spiritual Battle

Many people have gone through deliverance only to find themselves up against a strong battle shortly after. During this time, they’ll look for open doors in their lives, thinking that if they can just shut that one door, the battle will end. However, there comes a point where you’ve repented, and renounced everything, and God hasn’t shown you anything else. At this point, you need to stop searching for open doors and start seeking strategies to dominate the spiritual battlefield.

Here are six strategies that you should focus on during times of warfare.

6 Strategies For Battle

1. Be Strong in the Lord

The first strategy is simple: be strong in the Lord (Ephesians 6:10). This is not an option in spiritual warfare. If you’re in a spiritual battle, you might not feel strong, but the Bible commands us to find our strength in God, not in ourselves.

Being strong is a mindset—it’s the ability to face danger and difficulties with firmness and courage.

Always remember, that as believers, we fight from a position of strength, not weakness.

2. Don’t Waste Your Anointing

Secondly, don’t waste your anointing on battles that don’t have permanent victory. Ephesians 6:12 says, “We do not wrestle against flesh and blood.” Many of us waste energy fighting battles with people—whether it’s in arguments with loved ones or disputes with strangers. But we’re not called to wrestle with flesh and blood.

David understood this when he walked away from arguments with his brothers to face Goliath. He didn’t waste his anointing on unnecessary battles, and neither should we. Protect your anointing by choosing your battles wisely.

3. The Armor Helps You Stand, Not Avoid the Battle

Next, recognize that the armor of God doesn’t help you avoid the battle, it helps you stand in the midst of it. Ephesians 6:13 says to take up the full armor of God, “so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground.” It’s important to understand that the spiritual armor equips you to withstand the battle, not to avoid it.

The evil day will come, and when it does, the armor of God enables you to stand firm, even if the battle doesn’t end immediately.

4. You’re Called to Put On the Armor, Not Produce It

Another important strategy is the understanding that we don’t produce the armor of God, we’re just called to put it on. Every piece of the armor—truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God—comes from Him. All we need to do is take it up and put it on through prayer and faith.

5. There’s No Armor for Your Back

Also, remember that God didn’t provide armor for your back—only for your front. Ephesians 6 mentions the breastplate of righteousness, but nothing is mentioned for the back. Why? Because we are never meant to retreat in spiritual battles. If we turn our backs and run, we expose ourselves to the enemy’s attacks. The safest place to be is facing the battle head-on, trusting in God’s protection as we advance.

6. Prayer Activates the Armor

Lastly, prayer is what activates the armor of God.

Prayer isn’t listed as a piece of the armor because it’s the means by which we put on the armor. Ephesians 6:18 tells us to pray always with all kinds of prayers and requests. Prayer and praise are how we clothe ourselves with the armor God has given us, and the key to standing firm in the fight.

May the Lord strengthen you for battle.

Read: 6 Effective Prayers to Apply the Armor of God

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