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Advice to Singles Looking for a Spouse
By Vlad Savchuk | February 24, 2025 | 3 minutes
Advice to Singles Looking for a Spouse

Waiting for the right spouse can be challenging, especially with cultural pressures all around. However, we see in Scripture that God offers a template for us to follow when we are in the season of waiting. The Bible details in the first two chapters of Genesis that Adam knew his Master, embraced his mission, and then met his mate. This order is essential for a godly relationship.

6 Tips For The Waiting Season

1. You’re ready to date when you don’t need to.

First off, I would encourage you to be so lost in God that someone must seek Him to find you. Adam’s foundation was his relationship with God, which made him whole. It’s important to understand that romantic relationships will only reveal your holes but only God can fill them.

2. You’re ready when you’ve found your mission.

Next, we see in Genesis that before Eve was introduced, Adam had a job (Gen 2:15). I would encourage you to pursue your career and discover your calling—that will help to anchor you. Remember, a career will provide, but a calling fulfills eternally. Make sure you don’t rush into relationships without stability.

3. Date with marriage in mind.

Another important tip is to approach dating with the intention of marriage. If not, this type of dating will only ever lead to heartbreak.

Let God refine you before you step into a relationship.

4. Wait for God’s best.

Next, understand that impatience will lead to compromise. Notice that in Adam’s case, he waited for Eve, not settling for less. In the same way, don’t “birth an Ishmael” through haste, but rather choose to reflect on your motives and trust God’s timing for your life in this area.

5. Don’t compare your story.

Another important tip is to remember that comparison will steal your contentment. If you constantly focus on what you lack and what others gain, you will not be at peace in the season you find yourself in. Instead, choose to focus on your own journey and trust that God knows what’s best for you.

6. Stay at the well, not the wilderness.

And lastly, notice that many biblical figures found their spouses at wells, which resembles being in the right place spiritually (Genesis 24:11-67, Genesis 29:1-20, Exodus 2:15-21). In other words, I strongly advise you to stay connected to a church, continue to serve, and let God lead you to the right person.

During this season, you can be tempted to feel desperate and stressed. However, I encourage you to prioritize God and trust His timing; it’s worth the wait.

Read: Stop Dating Like the World Does