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5 Dimensions To Our Relationship With The Holy Spirit
By Vlad Savchuk | December 11, 2023 | 5 minutes
5 Dimensions To Our Relationship With The Holy Spirit

in John 16:7 Jesus said, “It is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you; but if I depart, I will send Him to you.”

John Bevere once said something that I found to be intriguing regarding this statement. He said that if Jesus could physically minister 14 hours a day, He would only be able to see 840 people for 60 seconds each person. Imagine if you had only 60 seconds with Jesus? That’s not even enough time to tell him your life story or problems!

At this rate, it would take him 1,190 days to see one million people and 2,147,000 years to see seven billion people at 60 seconds each.

So, in light of this, we can see what Jesus meant when He said is to our advantage that He sends the Holy Spirit. Because of that gift, we can have the same relationship with the Holy Spirit that the disciples had with Jesus.  

In fact, the life of Jesus is a perfect example for us of how to have a deeper relationship with the Holy Spirit.

How to Grow in Relationship with Him

1. Born of the Spirit (Matthew 1:18)

We see in Matthew that Jesus was born of the Holy Spirit and not of man.

Similarly, your relationship with the Him begins with being born of the Spirit. Think of your life in two parts. First, when you were physically born, the devil gave you a gift called the flesh, but when you were born again, God gave you the Holy Spirit.

Now just because you have the Him, it does not mean you are automatically sinless. You can have the Him and never yield to Him.

At this stage in your walk with God, the question is no longer, “How I get the Holy Spirit? It becomes, “How can He get more of me?” When we begin to ask this question, we grow in our relationship with Him.

2. Filled with the Holy Spirit (Matthew 3:16)

Second, we see that once Jesus was baptized, He was filled with the Holy Spirit. In Ephesians 5:18, we are given a similar command. Saying, “Don’t get drunk with wine, but be filled with the Holy Spirit.”

It’s a command. The Bible doesn’t say wait for the Spirit to fill you. It says, “Be filled,” meaning it is your choice because the Spirit of God lives inside of you. The river is there, you can drink at will. It’s like water connected in my house.

I don’t wait for the water to jump out and go into my mouth. I open my mouth, and I begin to drink that water. So when you are thirsty, you open your mouth, and God fills it. When you open your mouth, and you begin to praise Him, God will fill it.

When you’re filled with the Holy Spirit, He always leads you to holiness and righteousness. Christians should drink from the living well of the Holy Ghost. Desire daily to be filled with His Spirit.

3. Led by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 4:1)

We see that right after being filled with the Holy Spirit, Jesus was led by the Spirit. In the same manner, we are commanded to be led by the Spirit in our daily lives (Romans 8:14). People often wonder how they can begin to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit more, and the answer is simple. Fill yourself with Him, and He’ll guide you.

The Bible says that once Jesus was filled, then He was led. The nearer you are to Him, the more precise you will hear Him. 

The goal at this stage in your walk with God is not to focus so much on how to hear God’s voice. Instead, it should be on getting closer to God. As you focus on cultivating intimacy with the Holy He will begin to guide you.

4. Fed by the Holy Spirit (Matthew 4:4)

We see in Matthew that after Jesus was filled, it was the wilderness where the Spirit led Him. Sometimes, you might feel like God isn’t talking to you, especially when things are tough. Often, God allows this so our faith can be built. Our faith cannot be built until our feelings dissipate.

Jesus in the wilderness didn’t have much, but He had God’s words, and that kept Him going. So, when you’re going through a hard time, and it feels like God is silent, read the Bible and remember what God says in it. That’s how the Holy Spirit helps you through wilderness seasons.

5. Empowered by the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:4)

After Jesus spent time in the wilderness, He went back to the people empowered to do miracles (Luke 4:4). Similarly, in Acts 1:8, we are told that we shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us.

We all have the presence of the Holy Spirit, but the power of the Holy Spirit upon a person is different. As you grow in your relationship with the Holy Spirit, often going through challenging seasons, His ultimate desire is to bring you out with power. He desires that you would be filled with power so you can fulfill the ultimate calling of winning souls and making disciples.

We’re on this earth for a short period of time to spread the message of Jesus. I pray this blog inspired you to know the Holy Spirit more and to discover what He could do for you in your life if you choose to grow with Him.

Read: What Grieves the Holy Spirit