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21-Day Prayer Challenge: Mid-Year Reset
By Vlad Savchuk | July 23, 2024 | 4 minutes
21-Day Prayer Challenge: Mid-Year Reset

Often in the middle of the year, it’s easy to become discouraged, defeated, and even begin to drift from the goals and fervor that we had at the start of the year. If you would like the Lord to rekindle your fire and passion for Him during this year, I encourage you to join me in recalibrating our pursuit of God in the next 21 days.

The Call to Launch into the Deep

There is a story in the Bible where the disciples were fishing all night and the Bible says they caught nothing, so they went to the shore and started to clean their nets (Luke 5). Jesus, after using their boat to preach His great sermon, turned to Peter and said, “I want you to launch into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.” When they did that, the Scripture says they caught a lot of fish.

Maybe you’re in that place where you were fishing for six months and caught nothing. You were working and didn’t see the fruit of your labor, or you were pressing in and didn’t see the breakthrough you felt God was going to bring this year.

Maybe right now, you’re thinking, “I’m just going to clean my nets. I’m just going to make it through. I just need to survive.” Well, I want to encourage you to move from hope to faith.

Jesus says when you pray, the Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. There is a spiritual breakthrough that happens on the other side of you pressing in deep into prayer.

The 21-Day Prayer Challenge

Just as an athlete is encouraged to stretch before a workout, I encourage you to take a few days or a week to dedicate this season to the Lord and consider taking the lessons regarding prayer that can be found on VladSchool (available for free here).

For the next 21 days, from August 5th to August 25th, we will be seeking the Lord in a time of committed prayer and fasting. The idea is to go further than we’ve been or are accustomed to daily. Here are a few of the guidelines for these 21 days:

1. Commit to a Prayer Time

  1. 15 minutes a day
  2. 30 minutes a day
  3. 60 minutes (or an hour) a day

Choose the slot that is both reasonable and sacrificial. Don’t jump for the radical five hours a day if you haven’t been consistent in five minutes a day of prayer in the last five years. Choose something that’s a reasonable sacrifice and stick with it. You can adjust as needed, but focus on consistency.

2. Consider Doing at Least One Midnight Prayer

Sometime during these 21 days, take at least one or two times to do a midnight prayer. You can join me on August 9th (Friday night) and August 23rd (Friday night) from about 11 or 10 p.m. to 2 or 3 a.m., or as you desire.

3. Decide What and When You’ll Fast

Choose what and when you will fast. You can fast one day a week, three days to start the challenge or seven days. Fasting strengthens our prayer. I encourage you to add fasting to your prayer to boost its strength.

I Invite You To Say YES

Join me in this 21-day prayer challenge!

If you’ve been waiting for a sign on how to take your relationship with God deeper, this is it. Let’s seek God together, reset ourselves for the remainder of the year, and launch into the deep to see a miracle catch.

Let’s run hard after Jesus, laying aside every weight and sin that easily ensnares us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith (Hebrews 4:1-4). Let’s draw near to the Lord, and He will draw near to us.

Will you join me?