May Fast

Join me on this 3-day fasting challenge this May.

I do a live stream at the start of the fast to provide some encouragement and teaching.

Click here to rewatch older streams.

The event is finished.


May 06 - 08 2024


All Day
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Comments 12

    1. I think it’s for each person how they feel led, based on their health needs, how demanding their work is during that time, etc. Some people always only fast till 6 p.m. and others, if they are fasting, it’s gonna be at least a full 24 hours. Do as the Spirit leads you.

      Note: I do not work for Vlad Ministries; I’m just answering as a fellow lay person, so feel free to take my advice with a grain of salt 🙂

      Oh! That said! Especially if you’re physically active, I recommend salting your water (sea salt, Celtic salt, fasting salt, etc.) to maintain electrolyte levels 🙂

    2. Hey Gogonte,

      As mentioned by Tiffany, each person can do the fast as they feel led by the Lord. However, typically pastor does a 3-day only water fast for these monthly fasts.

  1. Hello Pastor, thank you for being the Lord’s vessel in spreading His word. You are absolutely amazing! God bless you and your family always🙏🏻 pastor, I’ve never fasted before, how can I go about not eating for 3 days, would you be so kind to advise. I’ve heard praying to the Holy Spirit helps and reading the Bible but not eating 3 days? Thank you in advance for your kind reply.

    1. Man does not live on bread alone.. But on every word that comes from the mouth of God
      Deuteronomy 7:3

      Moses lived in the presence Of God for forty days & forty nights and he ate nothing ..drank no water..but was sustained by God.
      Deuteronomy 9:9

      I will honor those who honor me
      1 Samuel 3:30

      When you dear Paola.. step out in faith and honor & fast unto the Lord.. He will sustain you & honor you too..
      God bless.!!

    2. Hey Paola,

      Check out his content on fasting on his YouTube page by searching, “Vlad Savchuk.” You’ll find very helpful info and encouragement there as well.

      1. Hello everyone, praise the Lord.
        I am glad I am able to join this fast.
        I want to add a prayer request here and I pray that it will reach many people.
        I am from India and these are very difficult times for Christians in many parts of my country as the elections are going on.
        The ruling party which is in power for the past 2 times(span of 10years, elections happen every 5 years here) is boasting on another win.
        The party is led by a Hardcore Hindu worshipper and already they are planning to wipe out Christians calling us a foreign religion.
        There have been Anti -conversion laws proclaimed in many states, which means imprisonment for anyone who preaches Gospel and any one willing to convert(accept Jesus christ),ancestral nativity is Hinduism here.
        Many churches are burnt down, pastors and believers beaten, women treated badly, etc
        I request you all to remember in your prayer and ask God for his Supernatural Intervention to help his children in these troubled times.
        Nothing is impossible for God and it is in his hand to put someone in power or pull them down! Amen.
        Thank you, God bless.

        1. Hi David, we are sorry for what you are going through. Will definitely pray with you in covenant for India during the 6 days đź‘Ź. Feel free to also contact me on WhatsApp +27628348649 to do covenant prayer for India.

    1. can i talk too someone on how this all works. im 72 and not really good at all this stuff i just join you on youtube so why im i suppost to join again id like too join in tomorrw for your live prayer and 3 day fast last time i came off the fast wrong i need some coahing thank you so much

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