This three-day reading plan is intended to equip you with the tools to remain standing when facing strong battles. Each day covers different parts of the armor of God to help you stay rooted in your faith despite challenges.

This 6-day reading plan is designed to help you learn how to apply the armor of God effectively. Each day focuses on a specific element—truth, righteousness, peace, faith, salvation, and the Word of God—paired with prayer points and scriptures to help you apply it. Learn how to stand firm, resist attacks, and walk in victory by fully equipping yourself with God’s armor.

This plan is designed to help couples identify and address issues like indifference, pride, criticism, and avoidance in marriage. Each day focuses on a specific area where the hardness of the heart can form and on biblical principles to rekindle love and the connection within your marriage. Learn how to protect your marriage and become stronger together with this 5-day reading plan.

This reading plan is designed to help you stay on fire for God. So many people struggle with keeping their faith strong amidst daily distractions, setbacks, or personal battles. Dive into scripture and practical steps to keep your passion for God alive, no matter what life throws your way.

This 3-day reading plan dives into spiritual warfare, highlighting the need to protect ourselves from areas where the enemy can steal our peace, joy, and purpose. Each day guides you to find strength in God, guard against the enemy’s attacks, and rely on the Lord’s guidance to reclaim what has been lost. Learn how to overcome and walk in victory.

This reading plan helps you identify and overcome the excuses that hinder your spiritual growth and extinguish your fire for God. Learn how to confront and eliminate excuses, reigniting your passion and commitment to living fully for Christ.

This three-day plan focuses on reigniting and maintaining your spiritual fire. You’ll learn to build and fuel your passion for God despite life’s challenges, overcome excuses that hinder your growth, and embrace the crucial role of repentance in keeping your heart sensitive to the Holy Spirit (based on the book, Build Fire).

This reading plan is designed to help you grow in your understanding of fasting and prayer, drawing you closer to God and enabling you to experience spiritual breakthroughs and victories in every area of your life.

This three-day reading plan teaches you how to live a fruitful and balanced life without getting too stressed by life’s circumstances. It shows you the importance of staying connected with the Lord, like a branch to a vine, to truly see the results you’ve been wanting in every area.

The Bible is a gift from God to every believer. In it, we find guidance, support, revelations, strength, and help in times of need. If you struggle to commit to reading the Bible, this reading plan is for you. Learn how spending time reading this Book will change your life.

What makes someone ready for marriage? Is it about what someone has or who they are? If you are currently single, I believe that God is preparing you for the person He is preparing for you. This 3-Day reading plan is designed to guide you through the essential aspects of a healthy, God-centered relationship.

The Holy Spirit played a major role in the life of Jesus. Jesus depended on Him and defended Him in front of others. Similarly, He desires that we live a life dependent on Him. As believers, the sacrifice of Jesus gives us access to be born again, filled and led by the Holy Spirit. Learn more about how you can be led by the Holy Spirit in your daily life.

As followers of Jesus, we cannot be close to God without our hearts being connected to Him; and our hearts will not connect to Him if our treasure leads us elsewhere. If you find that your fire for God has been dwindling or is non-existent in comparison to when you first believed in Jesus, this reading plan can give you keys to staying on fire for God.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit is developed within each believer when we learn to surrender to His work in our lives. His transformation in our lives is not caused by our own efforts but by our ability to surrender. Learn how you can do that in this reading plan.

Many Christians have the Holy Spirit, but very few have a real intimacy and relationship with Him. He desires for us to live a life of communion with Him. Learn how you can begin to develop that next level of intimacy with Him today.

This reading plan challenges you to take a hard look at who’s really in the driving seat of your life. Through the biblical stories, we’ll explore how to shift gears from the relentless ‘go, go, go’ to a more peaceful, fulfilling life led by the Holy Spirit. Get ready to swap rush for rest, hurry for harmony, and discover your true pace in God’s grace!

Criticism is something that everyone experiences at one point or another. That is why it is vital for every believer to know how to deal with criticism. We must be careful to not draw our identity from people’s compliments or criticism. The moment someone knows who they are in Christ, the criticism won’t crush them and compliments won’t inflate them.

Many people would say they do not like mornings because of the habits they have developed over time. My goal with this is not to change you, but to make you realize the power that developing a habit of waking up early to seek God can cause in every other aspect of your life.

The number one question I hear from people is, “How can I know what God’s will is for my life?” I would agree that it’s a valid question to have. How can anyone know what God desires in their ministry, job, marriage, or any other sphere of life? Knowing His will for any particular area of our life is important. I have asked myself these questions as well, and this is what I’ve learned.

In order to make sure we are healthy emotionally, mentally, and sometimes even spiritually, it is important to set up boundaries with people. You cannot blame difficult people for your unhappiness if you first don’t place healthy boundaries for yourself. Learn more about it in this reading plan.

Many people have a hidden battle with lust and the enemy thrives in secrecy. When I was younger I battled with lust and pornography, until I experienced God’s freedom. If you have been struggling with lust, true freedom is possible. Learn how to overcome it in this plan.

Everyone battles with insecurities. I know I did, and they don’t stop showing up because you overcome them once. In fact, deeper ones only get revealed as you continue to grow. Insecurities will always try and stop you from walking in faith, but throughout the years, God has taught me how to overcome them. Start this plan to find out how you can too.

Fasting is not starvation or an involuntary absence of food; it is abstaining from food for spiritual reasons. Fasting is not a hunger strike, and it is not a diet—a diet focuses on helping you lose weight, while fasting draws you closer to God. This is a great devotional use as you fast.

People of all ages often come up to me and ask “How do I know if the person I am dating is the one God has for me?” If you’re reading this, you’re probably curious to know the answer yourself. I may not be able to give you an exact yes or no answer, but in this reading plan, I hope to help you narrow down your answer.

Many people struggle to read the Bible because they feel lost. Others simply don’t know how to navigate the Bible or where to start. If that’s you, this plan is for you. Learn the basics of studying the Bible and how to derive the riches in God’s Word.

Have you ever been so hurt that you decided you wouldn’t forgive that person, no matter what? Most of us have felt like that at one point or another. Even though it might seem like the best option in the heat of the moment, it’s one of the most damaging choices we can make. Learn how to forgive with this reading plan.

Если вы чувствуете, что живете в духовной клетке и не в состоянии вырваться на свободу, совершая один и тот же грех снова и снова… Если вы устали делать два шага вперед и три назад — этот план чтения для вас. Истина, изложенная в послании «ПУТЬ К СВОБОДЕ», станет оружием, которое вытащит вас из клетки ограничения и застоя, а Дух Святой поведет вас дальше к жизни в полной свободе!

Тема свиданий, отношений и брака является, вероятно, наиболее обсуждаемой среди молодежи и даже взрослых. Это вполне объяснимо, поскольку выбор супруга – второе по важности решение, которое вам нужно будет принять в своей жизни после вашего решения следовать за Христом. В этом плане чтения вы узнаете многие ключевые моменты успешных отношений, дружбы, свиданий и брачного союза.

In life, we search for something more to fill the void in our souls. The Holy Spirit is the only one who can fully fill and satisfy that void. Unfortunately, many people keep the Holy Spirit distant and are afraid of His power. As Christians, we have the privilege to access the Holy Spirit when we accept Jesus into our lives.

In this world, we war against three main enemies: the world, the flesh, and the devil. The most difficult and personal enemy we face is what the Bible calls our flesh. The flesh cannot be conquered in any other way except by denying the wrong desires that entice us. Surrendering our lives to Christ gives us a new nature, and our old nature is to live in subjection to it.

As we go through life there are many voices that can influence our behavior, thoughts, and even the direction we take. Among those voices speaking to us is God, the devil, people, our families, and our own thoughts. The words you listen to begin to shape who you are and the decisions you make. More than any other distraction God wants to connect with us through our communication with Him.

La gente a menudo pregunta: “¿Cómo puedo saber a qué estoy siendo llamado?”. Con este Plan quiero explicar cómo hay una voluntad general de Dios para cada cristiano. Esta voluntad general de Dios implica seguir a Jesús, abandonar el pecado y ganar almas. Sin embargo, a medida que continúas participando en la voluntad general de Dios para tu vida como creyente, Su voluntad específica para ti comienza a ser descubierta.

La depresión está aumentando y es rampante en nuestra generación. Es un trastorno del estado de ánimo caracterizado por tristeza extrema, falta de concentración, problemas para dormir y pérdida del apetito. A menudo resulta en sentimientos de culpa y desesperanza. Por desafortunado que sea, le puede pasar a cualquiera, incluso a los grandes hombres de la Biblia. Este plan tiene pasos prácticos a seguir para que puedas vencer la depresión.

Every Christian is supposed to live a life of prayer. As many men of God have talked about in the past, those who sin are often those who have stopped praying; prayer is the one thing that chokes out the sin in our hearts. Learn how to develop your prayer life according to what the Bible teaches so you can live a life of victory in Christ.

La práctica del ayuno prevalece en las Escrituras. Vemos a lo largo de la Biblia que este concepto ha sido practicado por reyes, profetas y todo el pueblo de Dios hasta el día de hoy. Cuando ayunes, notarás que te ayudará a aumentar tu humildad, tu hambre y tu santidad a medida que te formas a la imagen de Cristo.

Depression is rising and it is rampant in our generation. It is a mood disorder characterized by extreme sadness, poor concentration, sleep problems, and a loss of appetite. It often results in feelings of guilt and hopelessness. As unfortunate as it is, it can happen to anyone, even great men in the Bible. This plan has practical steps to follow so you can beat depression.

People often ask, “How do I know what I am called to do?” With this plan, I want to explain how there is a general will of God for every Christian, and this general will of God involves: following Jesus, forsaking sin, and winning souls. However, as you continue partaking in God’s general will for your life as a believer, His specific will for you begins to be uncovered.

Todos los Cristianos tienen una relación con el Espíritu Santo, pero no todos los Cristianos tienen intimidad con Él. Existe una diferencia entre una relación y la intimidad. La relación con el Espíritu Santo viene a través de la salvación. Sin embargo, la intimidad solo se obtiene mediante la entrega de nuestra vida al Espíritu Santo.

The practice of fasting is prevalent in the Scriptures. We see throughout the Bible this concept was practiced by kings, prophets, and all of God’s people to this day. As you fast, you’ll notice it will help increase your humility, your hunger, and your holiness as you are formed into the image of Christ.

If you have struggled with an addiction to pornography, God wants to lead you to full freedom. There can be great guilt and shame that can accompany pornography. During these ten days, I want to share some practical advice to help you find true freedom from this addiction.

Doubt can drown you, but doubt can also be drowned by you. Great men of faith like Abraham, Zachariah, Philip, Peter, and Thomas had moments of doubt in their walk of faith. At times, doubt occurs when what we expect is not happening; and, when what shouldn’t be happening is happening. Learn 5 tips to help you overcome doubt.

Anxiety is a feeling of fear, dread, and uneasiness. It might cause you to sweat, feel restless, tense, and have a rapid heartbeat. Oftentimes these symptoms can be a normal reaction to the stress we encounter daily. Unfortunately, it has become the number one mental health issue in North America. It’s estimated that one-third of North American adults experience issues from anxiety. Learn how to effectively navigate through anxiety.

Perhaps you find yourself praying for months or years for the healing of your body or of a loved one, without seeing that healing come. When time passes and healing does not come, it sifts our faith. If you find yourself not knowing what to do, this plan is meant to help strengthen your faith during this process.

A lot of times people live extremely busy and stressful lives. They work tirelessly trying to meet certain goals in order to better their livelihood. Although this is not a negative desire, the process can cause a lot of stress that can be difficult to manage. If you find yourself overwhelmed with stress, I want to share with you some helpful tips to find true rest in your everyday life.

Иисус был исполнен, водим и наделен силой Духа Святого. При вознесении Он молился Отцу, чтобы Его ученики были наделены такой же силой и полагались во всем на Святого Духа. Мы призваны взять свой крест и следовать за Иисусом, но мы не сможем этого сделать, если не будем полагаться на Святого Духа так же, как полагался Иисус. Узнайте больше в плане чтения “Жизнь, наполненная Духом Святым”.

Jesús fue llenado, guiado y empoderado por el Espíritu. En su ascensión, oró al Padre para que sus seguidores tuvieran el mismo poder disponible para ellos al depender del Espíritu Santo. Estamos llamados a tomar nuestra cruz y seguirlo, pero no podemos hacerlo a menos que confiemos en el Espíritu Santo de la misma manera que Él lo hizo. Obtenga más información en el libro “Spirit-Filled Jesus”.

Jesus foi cheio, conduzido e capacitado pelo Espírito. Em Sua ascensão, Ele orou ao Pai para que Seus seguidores tivessem o mesmo poder disponível para eles pela dependência do Espírito Santo. Somos chamados para pegar nossa cruz e segui-Lo, mas não podemos fazer isso a menos que confiemos no Espírito Santo da mesma forma que Ele fez. Descubra mais no meu livro: “Spirit-Filled Jesus”.

Jesus was filled, led, and empowered by the Spirit. At His ascension, He prayed to the Father that His followers would have the same power available to them by depending on the Holy Spirit. We are called to pick up our cross and follow Him, but we can’t do that unless we rely on the Holy Spirit the same way He did. Find out more in Spirit-Filled Jesus.

Elijah went through a wilderness as well as the apostle Paul. Even our Lord Jesus was led into a wilderness after being filled with the Holy Spirit. The wilderness experience is a tough time in which we endure spiritual afflictions. Not only can we overcome our wilderness experiences, but we can also shorten them by the way we respond.

All Christians have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, but not all Christians have intimacy with Him. There is a difference between a relationship and intimacy. A relationship with the Holy Spirit comes through salvation. However, intimacy only comes through the surrender of our lives to the Holy Spirit.

We are instructed to put on the armor of God which includes faith, righteousness, salvation, truth, and peace. We are not required to produce it but are directed to wear it. This armor is God’s provision to every believer. Every Christian has the armor of God, but not every Christian wears it. Armor doesn’t work if it’s not worn.

Spiritual warfare is won with spiritual weapons. On the ground, snakes are powerful and deadly, but in the air, they are weak, useless, and vulnerable. When an eagle takes the snake into the sky, everything changes. Snakes have no defense, no balance, and no power to strike in the air. Your enemy is the snake; you are the eagle. Take your battle into the prayer zone, and he becomes defeated.

We have many battles yet to fight but we do not fight to achieve victory; we fight from the victory already achieved on the cross. There are certain enemies whom God delivers you from, but there are other enemies He empowers you to have dominion over. Deliverance is what God does in you; dominion is what He does through you.

O apóstolo Paulo disse em Romanos 12: 2 que somos transformados pela renovação da mente. Muitos de nós pensam que, uma vez que nossa vida seja transformada, nossa mente será renovada. Na verdade, é o contrário. Quando nascemos, a maioria de nós saiu do útero, para este mundo, de cabeça primeiro. Se você quer sair de circunstâncias desagradáveis, limitações na carreira, estagnação no seu ministério, sua cabeça deve sair primeiro.

Rô-ma 12:2 Phao-lô nói đời sống được biến đổi là qua sự đổi mới tâm trí. Nhiều người nghĩ rằng khi đời sống được biến đổi, thì tâm trí sẽ được biến đổi. Điều ngược lại mới đúng. Khi chúng ta ra đời, cái đầu ra trước. Khi tâm trí thay đổi, đời sống sẽ được thay đổi. Hãy nhớ: tâm trí đi đâu, đời sống đi theo đó.

In Römer 12,2 sagt der Apostel Paulus, dass wir durch Gedanken verändert werden. Viele von uns denken, sobald wir unser Leben verändert haben, sich auch unsere Gedanken verändern. Eigentlich ist es aber genau andersherum. Am Tag unserer Geburt kamen die meisten von uns mit dem Kopf zuerst in diese Welt. Wenn deine Denkweise geändert ist, verändert sich auch dein Leben. Merke dir: Dein Verstand lenkt, dein Leben folgt.

Апостол Павел пишет в послании к Римлянам 12:2, что мы преобразуемся через полное обновление нашего ума. Многие считают, что если жизнь меняется, то начинает меняться и мышление. На самом же деле все происходит как раз наоборот.

Отношения и брак, вероятно, являются самыми обсуждаемыми темами среди молодежи и даже взрослых. В этом есть смысл, поскольку выбор супруга – второе по важности решение, которое вы примете в своей жизни, после решения следовать за Христом. В этом плане чтения вы узнаете, как встречаться угодным Богу путем, и изучите некоторые ключевые принципы успешных отношений.

El apóstol Pablo dice en Romanos 12:2, que somos transformados mediante la renovación de nuestra mente. Muchos de nosotros pensamos que una vez nuestra vida es transformada, nuestra mente será renovada. Pero es al contrario. Cuando nacemos, la mayoría de nosotros salimos del vientre a este mundo, de cabeza primero. Cuando tu mente cambia, tu vida será transformada. Recuerda que donde va tu mente, tu vida sigue.

In Romans 12:2 Apostle Paul said that we are transformed by the renewing of the mind. Many of us think that once our life is transformed, then our mind will be renewed. It is the other way around. When we were born, most of us came out into this world, head first. When your mind is changed, your life will be transformed. Remember, where your mind goes, your life follows.

Do you find that you are living in a spiritual cage, unable to get out, repeating the same sin? If you are tired of taking two steps forward and three steps backward in your spiritual life, then Holy Spirit will use “Break Free” as a key to get you out of that cage of limitation and stagnation, and into a life of freedom!

It’s about time to stop hiding sin and start hosting the Holy Spirit. It’s time to move from secret sin to the secret place.

Fear has a way of changing our focus from God to the problems around us. Fear can change our confession from God’s promise to what we are feeling. All throughout the Scripture we are commanded: “Do not fear.” The reason for not fearing is that we are not alone. God is with us; that’s the promise God gives us to combat fear.

Dating and marriage are probably the most talked about topics among young people and even adults. It makes sense, since choosing a spouse is the second most important decision you will ever make in your life, after your decision to follow Christ. In this reading plan, you will discover how to go about dating God’s way and learn some key principles on successful relationships.

The Holy Spirit has become the forgotten God. Let’s not forget that the Holy Spirit authored the scriptures, but the author is always greater than his book. Jesus relied on the Holy Spirit while on this earth, thus leaving us an example to do the same.

Congratulations on your salvation! When you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, your new life began, but what is that supposed to look like? That is a great question! We plan to answer that, plus more, in this 5-day devotional. In this reading plan, you will discover what it takes to live that new life.