  • Joel Richardson
    We've reached a point in human history in which western culture as a whole is rapidly degrading, turning away not only from the Church, but from Jesus Himself. Build Fire is a much needed manual for believers to keep our hearts not only alive, but burning with love and devotion to Jesus throughout the darkest of nights.
    Joel Richardson
    NYT Bestselling Author, Internationally Recognized Teacher
  • Dr. Michael L. Brown
    This is a serious book for serious readers living in these serious times, written by a man who is serious about the things of God. And while it is full of helpful observations and pithy, bite-size quotes, it is anything but lightweight, providing a way throughtrouble rather than a way to escape all hardship and difficulty.
    Dr. Michael L. Brown
    Author, International Speaker, Host of the Line of Fire Broadcast
  • Jeremy Riddle
    It is easy to recognize someone who walks in heaven’s wisdom because their life and words are "pure, peaceable, gentle, open to reason, full of mercy and good fruits, impartial and sincere" (James 3:17). I have found Vlad to be such a person and I’m deeply grateful for his voice in this hour. I was personally refreshed and encouraged as I read Build Fire. I believe this book will greatly strengthen and recenter anyone walking through a challenging season. But even if this is not your current situation, trials and persecutions are promised in this life, and I believe this book will prepare and equip you to face whatever storm lies ahead and to endure it while staying aflame for Jesus.
    Jeremy Riddle
    Worship Leader, Author, and Songwriter
  • Corey Russell
    In Philippians 3, the apostle Paul pulled back the core motivation of his life, and from the depths of his heart, he cried, "[T]hat I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings." Paul's whole life was about discovering God in every season, no matter how difficult it was. This revelation has been lost in this generation, but I'm so grateful for my friend Vlad Savchuk and his new book, Build Fire. What Vlad shares in this book calls us back to Paul’s vision of pressing through sufferings and setbacks and continuing to burn for Jesus. God has raised up Vlad for such a time as this, to lead a generation into the fire of a burning heart. This book is a massive gift to all of us.
    Corey Russell
    Author and International Speaker
  • Life’s challenges come in many forms. And while they may not be literal shipwrecks or snakebites, unexpected setbacks and spiritual attacks can leave you feeling disoriented, defeated, and unfulfilled.

    In Build Fire, Pastor Vlad Savchuk shares valuable life lessons and empowering strategies for experiencing true joy and passion in the midst of adversity.

    Filled with personal stories and practical wisdom, you’ll discover how to

    • Live by faith, not by feelings.
    • Strengthen yourself in the Lord.
    • Embrace and learn from times of suffering.
    • Stand firm in the midst of growing lawlessness.
    • Stay on fire for God during dark seasons.
    • And more...

    Quotes from the Book

  • Criticism is a trap to lure us away from our purpose into aimless arguments and fights.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 1
  • Enjoying life is great, but learning to endure suffering is essential.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 1
  • The real, raw power of the Holy Spirit flowing through yielded vessels attracts persecution.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 1
  • If you remember how you used to love Jesus more than you love Him today, then you have grown lukewarm or may even be even be backslidden.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 1
  • Yesterday's fire becomes today's ashes.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 1
  • It takes trust to fall asleep in a storm.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 2
  • Great faith speaks to the storm; little faith speaks about the storm.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 2
  • The Christian faith doesn't promise a life without storms, crosses, or sufferings, but it promises that God will never leave us or forsake us.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 2
  • Don't let your storm define you when it's meant to refine you.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • Faith is like a tea bag; you don't know how genuine it is until it enters hot water. Trials reveal your faith, but they also refine your faith.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • Trials can't destroy genuine faith in God.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • Storms will reveal how deep your roots are.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • Storms won't destroy true faith; they can only purify it.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • Faith is more than a subject you study; it's knowing Jesus and trusting Him.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • The presence of the storm doesn't mean the absence of God.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • The faith that empowers one to stop the storm enables another to survive it.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • Storms can destroy your ship, but don't let them destroy your faith.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3
  • What happens in us is more important than what happens to us.

    Build Fire Book, Chapter 3